Is egg broth for a son correct?

Today there are many methods or tips to help couples to have the desired baby . One of the most common ways is egg soup to give birth to a boy, is that correct how to soup eggs for a boy?

All have probabilities, according to medicine, an 80% success rate for this method of egg soup to give birth to a boy . Here are a few tips for implementing this method.

Is egg broth for a son correct?


Egg soup to give birth to a son

1. For brothers

The brothers increased their meals at the ceiling price, eating more seafood, beef, watermelon ... (Not smoking, drinking alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, drugs ...). Just eat and drink and wait for the orders from the women to get ready to fight.

2. For women

Before having a baby, you should get vaccinated for flu, rubella ... your body is healthy, not sick and sick and remember to go to the gynecological examination before planning to have a baby.

We have to determine how many days the period is and stabilize, then subtract 14 from the total number of days of the menstrual cycle to make a temporary ovulation date. For example: If the period is 28 days, the date of ovulation is the 14th day since the start of the period (28-14 = 14), the 30-day period, the date of ovulation is the 16th day from the date of starting to see. menstruation (30-14 = 16).

When determining the provisional ovulation date, about 5 days ago, women went to a black and white ultrasound doctor to measure the size of the egg to accurately determine 98% of the day of ovulation.

During this time, women increase their consumption of dark vegetables to provide more potassium, eat seafood, beef, eat more salty than usual ... and live healthy so that the body is really healthy (avoid overeating eggs, milk, sour food, sweets ...).

Is egg broth for a son correct?


Egg soup to give birth to a son, mothers remember to increase their seafood intake


When the doctor determines the correct date of ovulation, the physiological saline solution will be used, mixed in proportion and pumped deep into the vagina, helping the vaginal environment turn to an alkaline environment (this is a beneficial environment for XY. for the XY to be moved faster to the eggs to nest, the XX will be difficult to move in this environment)

2-3 hours after pumping the salt solution, she waved the flag for the brothers to fight (also brought in the meeting). At this time, Adam and Eva have to be really comfortable to succeed (the first time I stress, I also fail, the second time exactly, it is best to take each other somewhere so others do not disturb)

During sex, adam remembers deeply until he finishes firing. Eva rested her knees up for a while, then lay on her side, and best of all, was prickly (Note that Adam must stimulate Eva to orgasm, then the contractions in the uterus will push the warriors deeper, making the nesting process of warriors and eggs faster.

Is egg broth for a son correct?


Egg soup to give birth to a son must be comfortable mentally

The important things for egg soup to have a son

After the fight, women remember to take care of them carefully and I have one advice: THAT'S REALLY COMFORTABLE, otherwise you will fail.

In the past, I gave birth to the first child not because of pressure to have children, the only reason was that I was very curious about science, I wanted to confirm this egg soup was correct, when I did it thoroughly. I finally got the answer that it was TRUE

Moreover, when women prepare mentally and physically to have a baby, the baby will be very healthy, intelligent and less sick and sick after birth.

Share with women, wish mothers successful application

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