Loss of interest in love - Its not ones own story

Losing interest while having sex is always an unhappy experience couples may experience in love. A sex is always a union between body and soul.

The uplifting emotions make the whole world seem to be only 2 of us. But sometimes due to very negligent reasons, one of the two people feel disinterested while having sex.

Do you know why your partner suddenly becomes negligent? Or even feel like you lost interest in love at its peak? Is this normal or is it herald of problems between couples?

How do you stop making mistakes that lose interest during sex ? WebTech360 Vietnam will give a few tips for couples in love in the article below!

Loss of interest in sex - unspoken reasons

The first thing most people think of is that your partner has a boyfriend when suddenly he or she suddenly loses interest in having sex.

Although things may not be as bad as you might think, there are many reasons why your partner becomes so indifferent and not as passionate as the first minute.

Saying too much and abusing overly arousing words

The bed story of modern couples today is quite liberal, so many people often like to use some aphrodisiacs, a few "dirty talk" sentences to stimulate desire and create newness.

If your partner gets excited when you whisper into her or his ear words meant for sex, move on. It is a pretty effective trick that creates excitement for both.

Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story

However, anything too is not good. It will be extremely offensive if you only passionately swear all the time. This is no longer an engaging art, it's like you're having aphrodisiac.

This causes loss of interaction between the two parties. The opponent is definitely very uncomfortable and inconvenient. And of course he / she feels genuinely disinterested during sex and the love may stop because no feelings can be found and will continue.

Lack of sensitivity to your partner

True grace should begin with the harmony of both body and soul. If either of you always only thinks about your feelings and forgets about the other's needs, then your love will really fail.

If guys often fall asleep right away after finishing the curtain, girls get complained about asking him for ridiculous things or comparing him to his ex when he doesn't satisfy him. .

There are dozens of actions and words that are uttered in the rain, whether you accidentally or really think so.

That is the reason why the other person suddenly stops and loses interest during sex. Chances are, at that moment you probably do not understand why you were treated so coldly.

Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story

Unlike the animal world, intercourse just to maintain the race, in humans, when loving alone and in bed, it is always necessary to remember to evoke the harmony in the other party. Moderating your needs a little, and you won't be seen as insensitive to your partner.

Low self-esteem and lying still like a log

This problem is more common among women, but it is a fairly common cause of boys feel disinterested in having sex.

Not once but many times because of self-esteem about some things on the body such as the skin, chest, waist circumference or the girl below, so when you are in battle, you always try to run away, avoid, do not want to reveal your body. before your partner.

It is not because of those shortcomings, but the inferiority of the girls that causes him to lose interest while having sex, you know?

Because of the confidence in the body, the women make another unfortunate mistake in the rain, which is always being passive and lying still like a log. This is one of the least attractive expressions of women in the bedroom.

Having sex with a girl who is silent, unresponsive and expresses feelings like having sex with a sex doll?

Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story

Don't blame him when this situation keeps repeating and at some point he completely lost interest in having sex, ladies you know?

It was too boring, nothing new

Are you boring to be the main character but keep playing one role? Up to 68% of men admit that it is too boring and that nothing new really makes them lose interest in having sex.

The gentlemen also shared that, if women let go of their dignity and usual stereotypes, turn into fiery lovers, who passionately crave each other for their partners. interesting and respond.

On the contrary, a love takes place like giving cards, no foreplay, no eroticism and no climax, the gentlemen keep repeating traditional and familiar poses over and over again. women gradually lost interest.

Everything is going so stereotyped that there's no need to really know how it works out. Couples remember, boredom will cause complete loss of fire in a couple's life.

Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story

Pretend to be on top

It is a fact that all couples want themselves and their partner to achieve pleasure in all relationships. Men often reach orgasm after ejaculation, but women do not find this feeling easily. Many people often pretend to peak with groans or use body reflexes to reveal.

However, you accidentally used the poison that destroys both of your emotions. Please don't confuse the excitement of the other party and pretend to be on top so that the other half is happy.

This action is no different than giving a minus point that makes him feel inferior. Women pretend to be on top, the opponent will immediately notice.

Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story

In addition to making you forever unable to feel the feelings of pleasure in your married life, it is also one of the reasons why any guy will fall into a state of loss of interest during sex.

Instead, it is the lack of love, disappointment, which affects quite a lot on men's psychology every time they prepare to fall in love. Your sex performance won't get any Oscars!

Stress during sex

Lack of delicacy with your partner can cause loss of interest during sex, and vice versa, too stressful when in love is also the cause of falling in love.

Is this a contradiction? Not at all, being too perfectionist during sex will put you in a state of so much stress that you lose control.

Instead of enjoying the sublimation, salty emotions of many types of people because they are too attentive to the other party and always find ways to pamper and please the other half, accidentally making them lose interest during sex.

Don't be shy, be comfortable and express yourself. Having sex is when your true personality is most easily revealed. So, what are you afraid of when you don't spend time with your ex enjoying sublimated and comfortable moments.

Let the love forever sublimation

Today, it has been discovered that lust, sexual arousal, pleasure or peak sensation are a complex mechanism of emotion and are governed by the action of the endocrine glands.

In addition, psychological factors also play an important role that can dominate couples in the rain.

In order for the love to sublimate forever and not be dominated by objective and subjective factors, couples always remember not to be too pressured but also do not forget to share. That is the expected destination of a successful affair.

A bit of sophistication such as making the surroundings romantic, inviting, or appropriately using body language and sounds such as soft groans, gestures, enchanting gestures, will always create excitement for each other.

Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story

In addition, it takes a bit of caressing, cherishing partner for foreplay, respect for every flaw in each other's body, a hot sexy lingerie set to create new inspiration.

Sometimes change roles and change positions, but sometimes it's important to respect the other person's feelings if she / he isn't ready yet.


Loss of interest in love - It's not one's own story. But if the problem of losing interest while having sex often occurs and the situation is repeated again and again, soon you will soon separate from each other even though the beginning of the love story is passionate love.

Regardless of the cause, let's get out early and together improve our sex life. Laugh while you are cuddling. Sex is fun, fusion, sublimation and makes a lot of magic and happiness in that life!

See more:

11 things that make you easy to lose interest in love

9 ways to get inspired to love when sex gets boring

11 great ways to help improve the sex life of husband and wife


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