Questioning technique in capacity development teaching

Teaching handbook – In teaching, students and teachers develop the capacity to actively participate in the lesson. In which, teachers play the main role as organizers, advisors, and support students in acquiring knowledge. Therefore, teachers often have to use questions to prompt and lead students to explore and discover new information, knowledge, skills, etc. And to assess the level of knowledge acquisition and learning outcomes of students. the student. Students also often have to use questions to seek advice and suggestions from teachers and other classmates… Therefore, we can see the important role of questioning technique in teaching. learning capacity development.

The effective use of questions leads to mutual understanding between students and teachers and students with students. The better the questioning technique, the higher the student's level of participation in the lesson, the more active the student will be and the more thought-provoking in the learning process.

Questioning technique in capacity development teaching

1. Ask questions in teaching to:

  • Facilitate and stimulate students to participate in the teaching process
  • Leading, suggesting and stimulating students to think, explore and discover new knowledge
  • Test and assess students' mastery of knowledge and skills as well as students' interest and interest in learning content.
  • Orient, collect and expand information and knowledge for students.

2. Types of questions commonly used in teaching

Currently, there are many different ways of classifying questions. However, if considered in the field of teaching and based on the purpose and function of the question, the following types of questions can be distinguished:

Closed question: A simple question that can only be answered True - False, Yes - No or can be answered with a word or a short sentence. They are often used to obtain specific information and about a certain fact. This type of question is often used in the lesson summary, after the introduction or after assigning a task to the student. This type of question should not be used in the discussion to share information or to stimulate the development of students' thinking because it will cause the discussion to come to a dead end.

Open-ended question: A type of question with many possible answers or possible answers, often used for evaluation and discussion. This type of question helps students discover and solve problems, and at the same time stimulates imagination to explore, discover and receive new knowledge.

Open-ended questions stimulate students to deepen their thinking and offer multiple perspectives. There is not just one right or wrong answer. Open-ended questions help students have an overview or raise concerns and questions about the given situation. When giving open-ended questions, teachers will get different ideas or answers from students. This also helps teachers orient appropriate content and methods for students.

Hypothetical question: A type of question that stimulates students to think outside the framework of situations given by the teacher.

Action questions: A type of question that helps students plan and implement ideas into real-life situations.

Clarifying questions : are questions that explore, gather more information. This question is the most used type in direct teacher-student interaction. It acts as a guide towards understanding, promotes a state of active listening, encourages, creates excitement and challenges for students.

Open-ended questions : These are questions that encourage presentation, analysis, explanation, expansion, and deepening of thought. This type of question helps students have a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of a problem given by the teacher

Comparative question: A question that requires comparison, evaluation, and comment. This type of question encourages critical thinking, commentary, and evaluation, promotes higher-order thinking skills, and directs thinking to key concepts and issues of the lesson.

Summary question: A question that asks for a brief presentation of what has been learned. It is an important factor influencing and promoting student progress. This type of question helps
students see the learning content in a general and logical way, thereby deepening the knowledge they have learned. At the same time, it helps students to form and develop the ability to think, generalize
, and abstract

In addition to the above classification, based on the Bloom cognitive scale, we can also classify into the following types of questions:

Knowing question: Is a type of question that helps students re-create what they already know and have experienced. Students rely on memory to answer. This form usually requires retelling, listing, describing, relating, presenting, stating, naming...

Comprehension question: Is a type of question to test how students relate and connect facts, figures, characteristics, etc. when receiving information. This type of question usually requires explanation, main idea, comparison, summary, presentation, brief description, etc.

Application question: A type of question to test the ability to apply information and knowledge gained to new situations.

Analytical question: Is a type of question to test the ability to analyze the problem content, thereby finding the relationship. Apply a combination of learned knowledge to come up with a way to solve a problem or prove a point, or come to a conclusion, or make a creative proposal

Evaluation question: Is a type of question to test students' ability to reason, select, choose, decide, consider and judge in identifying and evaluating ideas, events, and phenomena. . . . based on the given criteria.

Synthetic questions: A type of question that often requires suggestions, creation, prediction, planning, imagination, construction, design...

Questioning technique in capacity development teaching

3. Questioning process.

In questioning technique, teachers also need to understand the process to ask the right questions at the right time.

Step 1. Prepare questions: identify the content & main idea of ​​the learning content, ask about what, ask for what

Step 2 . Match and adapt questions to different characteristics and levels of students. The question should meet the following elements:

  • Transparency, clarity: Simple, concise questions do not confuse
  • Challenge. The question should not be too easy but requires students to think and put some effort when giving the answer. At the same time, it must make students feel proud and satisfied when they answer correctly
  • Orientation: The question must be directed to the majority. The question must elicit a response from many students; everyone feels they have a responsibility to answer, to think; thus creating a vibrant learning atmosphere
  • Consistency: this is an important principle and a common requirement for all teaching methods. The question must be within the limits of the ability to perceive information, language, and ideas in the sentence; experience and perception of communication situations, ability to think, imagine; students' expressive ability
  • Flexibility. Questions should be aggregated about type, difficulty, and objectivity. Choose an appropriate time to ask questions (specific situations) for effective teaching.

Step 3. Choose appropriate words to express when asking questions

 The shorter the question, the fewer words, fewer clauses, less structure, and less novel terms the better.

Step 4 . Encourage students to think to answer questions

When asking questions, it should not be too easy, not encouraging students. Teachers should also not accept students' answers easily. For difficult questions, teachers need to be well prepared to actively deal with unexpected situations.

Step 5 . Maintain the question-and-answer process with supplementary and extended questions

Step 6. Evaluate and collect feedback on the learning process. The questions should focus on the main and basic content of the lesson; especially conceptual and applied elements

4. Requirements in questioning technique

Questioning technique is an important element, the soul and the heart of teaching and developing competence. It is important to choose the right type of question to stimulate students' thinking and engage them in productive discussions.

When asking questions, pay attention to the following factors:

  • The question must be related to the implementation of the lesson objective
  • Short, clear, easy to understand
  • Right time, right place
  • Suitable for students level
  • Stimulate the imagination and thinking of students
  • Consistent with real time
  • Arrange in order from easy to difficult, from simple to complex.
  • Do not combine many questions into one puzzle, puzzle
  • Don't ask many questions at once

Above are some quick sharing on questioning techniques in teaching. Looking forward to receiving more comments from teachers, to help improve the article when sharing to the community.

See more: Small group cooperative teaching method

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