Tell pregnant mothers how to soak their feet to avoid swelling, sleep well

The edema in the last months of pregnancy must have caused a lot of troubles and inconveniences for pregnant mothers. With this very simple but effective pregnancy foot bath remedy, mothers will feel much more comfortable.

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Why pregnant women often swollen legs?

Tell pregnant mothers how to soak their feet to avoid swelling, sleep well


Foot bath during pregnancy will help pregnant mothers minimize the discomfort caused by pain

During the last 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant women often experience the phenomenon of swelling of the legs, also known as "bloody feet". This is a normal physiological phenomenon during pregnancy but also causes many difficulties and inconveniences for mothers. Additionally, swelling can be an early sign of pre-eclampsia . It is very dangerous if not treated promptly.

Pregnancy edema occurs due to many reasons such as weight gain during pregnancy, salty food, sedentary, long sitting or sitting a lot .... In addition, the mother's body makes blood and fluid 50% more than normal to provide nutrients for the developing fetus is also the reason why pregnant women are prone to edema during pregnancy.

Another reason makes pregnant women swollen feet during pregnancy. A hormone called relaxin is active. Loosen joints around your pelvis until it is time to go into labor. Your baby has room to go down the birth canal and into the pelvis.

This hormone also loosens the ligaments in the foot, causing the foot bones to age. In fact, the foot bones are not enlarged, but just the ligaments that hold the bones together are no longer as tight as normal.

Tell pregnant mothers how to soak their feet to avoid swelling, sleep well


Diligent frequent foot baths during pregnancy will help pregnant mothers have a better and deeper sleep

Great use of foot bath during pregnancy for pregnant mothers

Although it is a very simple activity, but calming during pregnancy will help pregnant mothers reduce many unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy and bring a good night's sleep.

Blood circulation

Because when soaking the feet, blood is circulated, under the action of heat, the blood vessels in the feet dilate and increase blood circulation. Therefore, pregnant mothers will feel refreshed, comfortable, and sleep is also better.

Reducing pain, swelling

Pregnant women often develop symptoms of edema, especially in the legs and feet. Fill the foot bath with warm water, then add a pinch of ginger and salt. Foot baths for 15-20 will help improve bone pain, swelling.

Get a better night's sleep

If pregnant women regularly soak their feet in the evening before going to bed, they will sleep more easily, and sleep will be deeper.

Improve stress, fatigue

For pregnant mothers who have to travel and work a lot all day. So the foot bath with warm water is very beneficial. It will help soothe fatigue, restore health. Because warm water affects the acupuncture points under the skin and brings a positive relaxing effect.

Treat skin diseases and deodorize feet

Even for postpartum women, this is the time when the body is weak (in ancient words). Very easily sick so people often advise postpartum women to wear socks during their stay (about 1 month). It is also to keep the feet warm. Because during pregnancy 9 months 10 days and when giving birth makes a woman lose blood.

Foot bath reduces edema for pregnant women

Tell pregnant mothers how to soak their feet to avoid swelling, sleep well

Ingredients to prepare:

Tea (using tea grounds)

Salt granules (1 teaspoon)

Foot soak with salt is especially helpful for pregnant women as it modulates more than 300 biochemical reactions, muscle aides and nerve function, keeps bones strong and supports the immune system.

Fresh lemongrass (crush about 3 shrimps, 1 branch of fresh ginger (crushed) or cut into slices (soak for longer), lemon 1 fruit (cut into small pieces)


Pour tea into the boiled water, mix the rest of the ingredients in a wooden or stainless steel basket (do not use a plastic tub) because it may impurities out. Wait about 10-15 minutes for the ingredients to mix. Then mix with cold water (touch just warm enough) and let the feet soak. Pregnant mother, remember to prepare a cotton towel to clean her feet.

Or pregnant mother can soak it with ginger and salt; salt, guise leaves or wormwood leaves to increase the effectiveness of the foot bath. These are pregnancy methods that can be changed with each foot bath.

Special attention to pregnant women if you want to soak your feet during pregnancy

Tell pregnant mothers how to soak their feet to avoid swelling, sleep well

Although foot baths bring many gold benefits, pregnant mothers should also note some of the following for the foot bath to achieve the absolute effect:

Foot bath temperatures are usually around 38 - 43 degrees C. And best not to exceed 45 degrees C.

Do not soak your feet for too long, only stay about 15-30 minutes. If you soak too long it will easily lead to anemia to the brain. Pregnant mothers should soak their feet until the body heats up and sweat lightly.

The best time to soak is 5 - 7 pm. This is when the kidneys are most powerful.

Do not soak your feet after eating, so wait about 1 hour before soaking your feet. Because it will affect the digestive tract.

Foot massage for pregnant women after foot bath is very good for pregnant mothers. Women should ask relatives (especially husbands) or massage their feet for 10-15 minutes on their own before going to bed.

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