What should pregnant mothers do before the baby is born?

What should pregnant mothers do before giving birth to prepare for the big turning point in life? Besides careful preparation for the baby to be born in the best possible conditions, pregnant mothers should not forget to enjoy the rest of the days.

Refer to some of the following suggestions for a healthy, happy pregnancy and the best preparation for your baby.

The first thing you should do is make time for yourself

Make a plan to do something with your friends

Some interesting suggestions that a pregnant mother can make with her friends are cooking, making crafts, knitting or visiting a certain museum or exhibition.

A mother named Rachel Galoob-Ortega said: “A few friends and I went to belly dance lessons when my baby was 8 months old. At that time, although I gained 27kg, I still felt attractive and had a more supple lower back thanks to going to practice.

Design your own pregnancy diary

Mothers can print photos that capture moments during pregnancy, pictures of your belly every week for example. Put photos in chronological order and pin them into a volume (or save them on mobile apps) so that when you turn the pages, you will feel your stomach growing.What should pregnant mothers do before the baby is born?

Brigitte Polanco from Philadelphia recalls: “People told me that I would remember the baby still in my stomach, so when I was 7 months pregnant, I started to record my stomach when my son hiccuped or when The little boy fidgets every time I play a song he often hears on the phone. To catch those moments, remember to keep your phone within reach.

Listening to music

Allow yourself to rest and relax because it will be too expensive after the birth is finished. Listening to music is a great suggestion and do it whenever possible.

A mother from Atlanta recounted: “When I was ninth month pregnant I went to the U2 show and everyone was worried as if the baby was being born in the middle of the show. When I was in labor I also played music on my iPod and you know what, my daughter now also likes to listen to music from this group ".

Write a letter to the baby in the womb

Take note of the crazy things that happen during pregnancy, like dreaming of having a hamster forever. Babies read these stories when they grow up a bit and find it fun.

A good idea is to write down memories on paper and put them in an envelope for your child to open at a certain year in the future.What should pregnant mothers do before the baby is born?

A mother from Waltham, Massachusetts said: “I have a pregnancy diary which records all the funny things I experienced during my 9 months of pregnancy, like the day my belly was finally bigger than my belly. the husband's. But he didn't find it funny at all.


Traveling too far is not recommended while pregnant, but it is perfectly possible for mothers to take a gentle vacation to experience the new feeling of having a baby in the womb accompanying the trip.

Mothers also need to always pay attention to ensuring the health of mothers and babies, choose the right travel time; arrange short breaks; Bring comfortable, comfortable clothes and keep a good mood throughout the trip.

Give yourself something special

Mothers should not hesitate to buy themselves an inexpensive gift, a pair of shoes for example.

“I got tired of wearing flat shoes and my feet didn't even increase in size in a few months of pregnancy, so I bought myself a pair of brand-new high heels when I was pregnant in the 8th month.

I put those shoes on on the first date with my husband after our daughter was born, ”recalls a mother.

Sleep with close friends

A mother from Pennsylvania recalls:

“Once when I was pregnant I asked my three best friends to sleep over. We wore avocado pijama, M & M's chocolates and watched the three's favorite shows.

I know that it may take a long time for us to get together like that, so just enjoy. ”

Read stories to the baby with her husband

This is truly a wonderful experience for many fathers. In this way the father and the baby in the womb are more bonded. Babies also get used to the father's voice and presence from the very first days.What should pregnant mothers do before the baby is born?

Cari Dineen from New Jersey excitedly said: “My husband loves reading stories to his daughter. He read all kinds of stories from heaven on earth by many different authors. My husband often comes close to my stomach and starts with a saying: Hi baby, I'm talking to you. Sometimes when she finishes listening, she kicks me in the stomach as if to greet her father.

Planning to give birth

Planning your birth

What pregnant mothers should do is try to imagine how the labor phase will happen; make a list of what to expect during labor and delivery to discuss with your obstetrician or midwife.

Also on the list should include the names of relatives who will be present with the woman when the baby is born and other pain relief or medical interventions that best suit the condition of the mother and child.

Many couples also mention environmental factors (music, lighting) and possible situations in the process of welcoming the baby. However, all are just planning and couples should not over expect the event to happen as planned.

Decide to breastfeed or breastfeed your baby

This question can only be answered by a mother. Babies can drink breast milk for a longer time if the mother receives support and companionship from her partner.

If you decide to let your baby use breast milk, discuss carefully with your husband about the possible difficulties (late milk, blocked milk ...); plan for when to breastfeed your baby and what support the husband can provide then.

 Financial preparation at birth

Make sure you and your family are financially ready when preparing to welcome your baby. Set aside a fixed amount each month from the couple's income fund. Find out about the insurance company's maternity / health insurance plans and the coverage policies of the two people who work.

Parents should also refer to health insurance packages for their baby to ensure that the baby receives all the care that the family can best.

Support from loved ones

Taking care of a newborn is not easy and sometimes family members like mothers and sisters can make the job even more difficult. If the pregnant mother feels comfortable with someone beside her, make a reasonable plan and assignment.

Conversely, if the mother is not ready, do not hesitate to refuse to help. Later as a baby grows up there are still many opportunities people can help.

Prepare for the maternity leave

One important thing pregnant mothers should do is to find out about maternity benefits under current law

What pregnant mothers should do before giving birth is to learn about maternity law to get updated information about entitlement.

In the United States, for example, under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), a parent's job is protected for 12 weeks after the birth or adoption of a child on the company condition where the father is or working mother has at least 50 employees and has facility within a radius of 75 miles.

At the same time, the employee must work there for 25 hours per week for at least 1 year.

Learn about the company's maternity policy

Do not forget to refer to the company's website or other sources of information to understand the maternity regime you are enjoying. The author of The Working Woman's Pregnancy Book - Marjorie Greenfield, some businesses pay a pension of between 40 and 60 percent of an employee's salary for maternity leave.

Don't forget to check the number of sick leave and annual leave remaining, many companies may require that they be included in maternity leave under FMLA.

Decide the number of maternity leave and report to higher level

Depending on the personality and circumstances of each mother, the maternity leave can be extended according to the law or not. Many mothers also want to work remotely after giving birth.

Refer to other mothers' experiences at work and make a plan to talk to your superiors about your maternity leave plans.

The advice for pregnant mums is to think carefully and discuss with your supervisor the desired time off and who takes on temporary jobs.

After reaching agreement, you can think about drafting a memorandum in case it is needed. Don't forget to remind yourself that your number one priority right now is the new born misses / bosses when you receive email from coworkers or leaders' phone while mom is on vacation.

In addition to the list of things you can do above, what you need to keep in mind is to keep a positive, positive state, ensure health factors and share with everyone about the joy that is coming.

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