What to eat to develop babys height? Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?

What to eat to develop baby's height?

Up to 90% of calcium is concentrated in the bones and teeth. Therefore, to develop a height for the baby right from the womb, you need to add calcium rich foods. In addition, protein, vitamin D also plays an indispensable role in overall height development.

Milk and dairy products

A glass of milk can provide mothers with 300 grams of calcium in addition to minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus ... Also, dairy products such as cheese, cream, yogurt ... are also very good to help children develop bones. increase the height.


As the most protein-rich food source, eggs are indispensable in the diet of pregnant mothers. It helps the baby rebuild bones and thereby develop height.

What to eat to develop baby's height?  Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?


What to eat to develop baby's height?

Vitamin D in eggs participates in the synthesis of calcium and calcification in the growth cartilage, and at the same time regulates the amount of calcium in the blood. Deficiency of vitamin D, children may have bones, slow growth.


Like eggs, beef is very rich in protein. Studies show that if a mother consumes about 100 grams of beef daily, it will help improve the child's height.


Likewise, chicken is also rich in protein, which is very useful for the mother if she wants the fetus to grow in ideal height.


Seafood is very plentiful with types such as shrimp, crab, crab, oysters, scallops, clams ... all contain a huge amount of calcium and protein. Furthermore, calcium from these sources is easily absorbed. Therefore, during pregnancy, if possible, mothers should eat shellfish like this to ensure adequate supply of calcium for the development of fetal skeletal system!

Types of fish, especially eels

What to eat to develop baby's height?  Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?


What to eat to develop baby's height?

When taking the same unit of weight to compare with other types of fish, the researchers found that the eel contains about 6 times higher calcium than carp, about 10 times more than the octopus. In addition, they also show the best way to eat fish for optimal absorption of the abundant calcium in this fish is to cook with tofu. When two calcium-rich foods cook together, it greatly increases calcium absorption.

Bean of all kinds

What to eat to develop baby's height?  Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?


What to eat to develop baby's height?

All types of beans, especially lentils, are very good for pregnant women and their babies. Beans provide a lot of fiber, protein, and of course, they are indispensable for folate and calcium. It can be said that the source of nutrition for beans is not inferior to foods derived from animals.
In addition, beans also contain a large amount of zinc can help mothers absorb nutrients better and prevent premature birth, low birth weight in a very effective way. Also thanks to the abundant protein in legumes, the number of tissues and cells in the baby's body increases, ensuring the formation of the body, including the skeletal system. develop at the optimum level.


Fruits containing more vitamin C, vitamin E, fiber, folate ... such as kiwi, oranges, bananas, grapes ... can support the synthesis and metabolism of substances in the body better. Thanks to that, the fetal body also easily absorbs nutrients from the mother to develop height as well as weight.
In addition to supplementing nutrients from food, mothers also need to be sunbathed regularly every morning to promote absorption of vitamin D and calcium. It is equally important to limit your intake of foods high in sugar, grease, as well as carbonated beverages. Because they are all factors that interfere with the height development of the fetus.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are very rich in nutrients. It not only contains the prefix vitamin A but is also rich in fiber, vitamin B6, and potassium (more than a banana). Thanks to that, the mother elected to eat sweet potatoes can greatly support the development of the skeletal system, vision and nurture of the baby's skin. In addition, if iron deficiency during pregnancy, pregnant mothers can also eat more sweet potatoes because it also contains a large amount of copper that can help mothers absorb iron better.


All grain products contain a fair amount of folic acid. An average slice of whole-grain bread contains about 60 mcg of folic acid. Of the whole grain group, oats had the highest calcium content, about 7.5 times more than white rice. Although the absorption rate of calcium in oats is considered to be lower than calcium in milk, this is a useful food for preventing calcium deficiency in pregnant women.

Green vegetables

What to eat to develop baby's height?  Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?


What to eat to develop baby's height?

Green leafy vegetables such as choysum, amaranth, broccoli, spinach, collard greens, asparagus ... contain very rich sources of calcium. In addition, they also provide a large amount of fiber, potassium, vitamin A and folate. In particular, vitamin A and calcium contribute very actively in raising bones, improving eyesight and perfecting the skin structure of the baby. Therefore, pregnant mothers should not ignore this very popular food rich in nutrients.


What to eat to develop baby's height?  Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?


What to eat to develop baby's height?

Through many stages of processing to turn soybeans into tofu, the amount of calcium has become much more easily absorbed. The calcium in the bean is about 7 times higher than the bean juice. Therefore, in order to improve the height of the fetus, regardless of genetics, mothers should use tofu during pregnancy with many different dishes. To absorb calcium better, mothers should eat with tofu and vegetables!


What to eat to develop baby's height?  Want to develop height for the baby right from the womb, what food should be enhanced?


What to eat to develop baby's height?

Look at the small cove beans, but each 100g of beans contains up to 349mg of calcium, about 2 times higher than soybeans. Mom can boil beans for snacks or stir-fry with beef to increase nutrition for her daily meals.

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