Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

Yoga is not only good for your health and mind, it also works well if you are trying to become pregnant. Better pelvic alignment and increased blood flow - all factors that can help speed up conception . The following are yoga poses to help increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2.

See also: Yoga poses to help increase pregnancy part 1

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

Stretch back, arms, and legs

Doing this position helps your body increase fertility by opening the hips and pelvis. You will know you are doing it correctly if you feel tension in the front of your pelvis and hip muscles, and along the sides of your torso and hips.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

1. Step into a jump with your right foot in front, bend your knees (as close to a 90-degree angle as possible) directly above your right ankle, hip square forward. Position yourself at arm lengths away from the wall just in case you need extra support for balance.

2. Bend your knees and bend your tailbone below. Keeping your pelvis tucked in, straighten your hind legs.

3. Raise your left arm up and bend to the right, using your right hand against your hip (or wall) for support when needed. Take 5 to 10 deep breaths.

4. Repeat on the opposite side.

Squatting position with two hands clasped

By squatting, you'll build a strong pelvic floor - something you'll need as you hold your growing baby. A toned pelvic floor can also help boost your sex life.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

1. Enter a comfortable sitting position with your feet slightly wider than your hips. Check to make sure your knees and feet are pointing in the same direction. If you feel a stretch in your knee, don't go deep into the squat. If your heels don't go straight to the floor, place small roll towels below for support.

2. Using your back muscles and back muscles, sit as straight as possible.

3. For extra support, bring your palms together and press your elbows against your inner knee.

Spine twisting position

Twisting helps to squeeze out any fertility stress that may be present in your organs and muscles.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

1. Sitting in a comfortable cross-legged position.

2. Place your left hand on your right knee. Breathe in.

3. Keep your spine long and join your abdominal muscles, rotate right, touch your right finger to the floor behind you. Let your neck follow; do not be stressful. Continue to stretch your spine as you inhale, and gently twist further to the right as you exhale. Hold for 8 to 10 breaths.

4. Release and twist gently in the opposite direction.

5. Reverse the legs crossed and repeat on the opposite side.

Goddess pose

This recovery position opens your hips and pelvis and can help relax you - something that is sometimes difficult to do when you're trying to have a baby.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

1. Lie on your back; Bend your knees and let them fall to the sides, placing the soles of your feet together to form a diamond shape.

2. Place your hands on your stomach and breathe slowly and deeply, focusing on your breath for 3 to 5 minutes. If you feel a stretch in your hips or inner thigh, place a roll towel or blanket under each knee for support.

Cadaver's posture

Stress and anxiety are reproductive killers. Help increase your fertility just by relaxing and cooling off at the end of a workout.

Yoga poses that increase your chances of getting pregnant part 2

1. Lie on your back, feet wider than hips wide, arms wider than shoulder width apart, palms facing up, and eyes closed.

2. Breathe slowly, deeply and completely into your abdomen and widen your chest to fill your lungs.

3. After a short pause, exhale slowly, with control, allowing your breath and abdomen to release.

4. Repeat this breathing pattern for 3 to 5 minutes. Visualize a wave reaching shore with each inhalation, and the tide returning to the ocean with each exhale.

5. Return to normal breathing. Roll to the side with knees bent, and use your hands to roll up to sit before opening your eyes.

Why does yoga help increase pregnancy?

In men, stress affects the testosterone production and  sperm quality  , as well as the growth and development of the sperm in the body. Prolonged stress poses a risk of impotence in men.

Yoga is an exercise that can help you increase strength and flexibility, as well as relax and reduce stress. One study of 131 patients experiencing mild to moderate stress showed that yoga was effective in curbing symptoms of anxiety and stress.

Therefore, many people believe that yoga can help you get pregnant  and be one of the methods of infertility treatment. Scientists have also demonstrated that just 45 minutes of yoga a week can help women increase their chances of getting pregnant significantly.

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