10 things to remember to balance blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of death in the world. Low blood pressure is equally dangerous because it makes the patient dizzy, causing seizures. Controlling your blood pressure with lifestyle changes and healthy nutrition will help you avoid the complications of blood pressure.

Take medicines

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Always carry your blood pressure medication with you

Chronic high blood pressure can cause illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes, so high blood pressure medications are especially important and should be taken regularly and in the right dosage. In addition, you can apply a combination of a number of oriental medicine methods to support the treatment process. Work with your doctor to reduce your medication accordingly once your blood pressure has stabilized for 3 months.

Exercise regularly

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Exercise in the morning to absorb vitamin D

Whether your blood pressure is high or low, exercise also contributes significantly to blood pressure balance. It is best to walk in the sun to provide your body with vitamin D, which is a nutrient essential for maintaining a balanced blood pressure.

Be careful with salt

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Depending on the state of blood pressure that increase or decrease the amount of salt

Eating too salty is the leading cause of high blood pressure. Change your eating habits gradually, eat less salty foods, fried foods, and use more fresh fruits and vegetables. You don't have to cut back on salt, you just need to know how to moderate it. In contrast, those with low blood pressure should eat a little more salty and drink more water at the same time.

Absorb potassium and magnesium

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Bananas are a good source of potassium

Research shows that high blood pressure is sometimes not caused by eating a lot of salt, but by eating too little potassium and other essential minerals. You should eat one banana per day, or half an avocado to get the potassium your body needs. A glass of tomato juice, or coconut water, is also a good source of potassium. As for magnesium, you can get enough of it from green vegetables and nuts, especially almonds.

Weight loss

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Losing weight naturally improves blood pressure

Research shows that half of overweight people with high blood pressure can naturally regulate their blood pressure by losing weight. The easiest way to lose weight is to follow a diet with a variety of fast, low-calorie dishes like vegetables, fruits, chicken, fish, and beans.

Eat dark chocolate

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Eating dark chocolate every day has many health benefits

Eating a piece of dark chocolate every day helps reduce blood pressure by 3, 4 points. Not only delicious, dark chocolate also contains many antioxidants. Eating dark chocolate is even more effective than taking a cholesterone-lowering pill to prevent heart disease.

Abstain from alcohol and coffee

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Don't drink too much coffee

Drinking too much alcohol and coffee is directly related to high blood pressure. Try cutting back on these for two weeks to see if your blood pressure drops. If so, it should be reduced to drinking no more than 1 cup of coffee or 1 glass of beer per day.

Be careful with sleep apnea syndrome

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea

One of the most common causes of high blood pressure is sleep apnea. This chronic condition causes shortness of breath and lack of oxygen, startling you several times during the night. Signs of this disease include: snoring, daytime drowsiness, and neck enlargement.

Do not suppress anger

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Allow yourself to get angry when needed

If you keep suppressing your anger then you are like a pressure cooker with a broken valve. You look calm on the surface, but inside you are almost about to explode. Your psychological condition also significantly affects your blood pressure, so allow yourself to "explode" when needed, of course try not to hurt others. You can relieve yourself by punching a pillow, hitting the bed with a stick.

Pay attention to what you eat

10 things to remember to balance blood pressure
Food allergies are also a cause of blood pressure

One of the lesser known causes of high or low blood pressure is food allergies. If you have taken medication and your blood pressure has not stabilized, consider the cause of a food allergy.

Blood pressure diseases are known as "the silent killer", so please regularly measure your blood pressure to adjust lifestyle and diet when necessary.


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