Can I eat durian while breastfeeding? The fruits should be avoided while breastfeeding

Fruit should be avoided while breastfeeding! Many mothers focus on eating and nutrition during pregnancy and pregnancy, but neglect when breastfeeding. Nutrition and food during breastfeeding also directly affects babies. Many mothers often wonder if breastfeeding durian? Please refer to the article below for more information.

4 fruits should be avoided while breastfeeding

1. Fruits that are sour and high in vitamin C

Women women often like to eat sour. Sour fruits such as pineapple, mango, toad… are definitely women's favorites.

But during lactation, pregnant mothers should abstain from all these fruits, or fruits that are too acidic, such as oranges, lemons, strawberries ... These fruits are eaten by mothers, will affect breast milk.

If you eat too much, it can lead to a sour, pungent taste in the milk, causing your baby to be allergic or hesitant to suck. In some cases, children may even pass out, have loose stools or have intestinal problems ...

Can I eat durian while breastfeeding?  The fruits should be avoided while breastfeeding


Fruit should be avoided while breastfeeding

2. Jackfruit

Jackfruit is a hot fruit. The old people often passed on, eating jackfruit made the mother hot in the body, headache. According to the ancestors, eating jackfruit also makes the mother lose milk, not enough milk to breastfeed.

Can I eat durian while breastfeeding?  The fruits should be avoided while breastfeeding


Fruit should be avoided while feeding b

3. No answer to the question "can I feed durian?"

Durian is a fruit with a strong smell, those who do not like can run away, but those who are already addicted are hard to resist. However, many people still wonder if they are breastfeeding durian?

However, the sick and sick people are also advised not to eat durian, because the fruit is quite hot, easily causes acne, rash ... Particularly for pregnant mothers, eating durian can cause headaches, milk loss, and mouth hard, tongue loses sensation.

Can I eat durian while breastfeeding?  The fruits should be avoided while breastfeeding


Fruit should be avoided while breastfeeding

4.  Strawberry and plum fruits

Berries like strawberries, berries, blueberries, raspberries (strawberry, rasberry, blueberry) or plums, peaches often cause burping or hiccups after a suckling. These fruits also make the digestive system slow and the effect lasts up to 1-2 days. You should not eat these fruits because of your child's weak absorption and digestive system.

Can I eat durian while breastfeeding?  The fruits should be avoided while breastfeeding


Fruit should be avoided while breastfeeding

Certain foods should be avoided while breastfeeding

Fish that is high in mercury

Fish high in mercury should be avoided while breastfeeding, for example:

Bigeye tuna

King mackerel

Fish marlin

Fish orange roughy



Tile fish

Some dietary supplements are of herbal origin

The use of herbs and spices such as cumin or basil as seasonal foods is considered safe during breastfeeding.

However, when it comes to herbal and tea supplements, there are some safety concerns, due to a lack of studies in lactating women.

Also, since herbal supplements are not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it's also possible that these supplements are contaminated with heavy metals. danger.


According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), abstaining from alcohol is the safest option while breastfeeding. However, taking infrequently is potentially safe, as long as you are cautious about the amount and length of time it should be taken.


Coffee, soda, tea and chocolate are popular sources of caffeine. When you consume them, some of that caffeine can pass into breast milk.

This can be problematic, as it is difficult for infants to break down and get rid of caffeine. As a result, large amounts of caffeine can accumulate in the baby's body over time, causing irritability and trouble sleeping.


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