
3 landmarks must be done for fetal malformation ultrasound to make the baby healthy and secure

3 landmarks must be done for fetal malformation ultrasound to make the baby healthy and secure

Every fetus is at risk for defects and an ultrasound is the earliest detection method. So at what point does fetal anomaly ultrasound to help detect defects?

Feeding a baby porridge before bed can be dangerous!

Feeding a baby porridge before bed can be dangerous!

Should children eat porridge before going to bed? The shocking answer from the doctor made women seriously consider feeding their children porridge at night.

Fetal heart rate 150 is a boy or a girl, the mother knows interesting things about the babys fetal heart?

Fetal heart rate 150 is a boy or a girl, the mother knows interesting things about the babys fetal heart?

Fetal heart rate 150 is a boy or a girl, based on fetal heart rate to know the sex of the baby is not correct? Together learn the meaning of the fetal heart numbers.

Pregnant women can eat seaweed and how to eat the best for the fetus?

Pregnant women can eat seaweed and how to eat the best for the fetus?

Pregnant women can eat seaweed? Scientific studies have shown that pregnant women should eat seaweed in a moderate amount for the best mother and fetus.

Do you miss your ex? Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem

Do you miss your ex? Apply these 16 ways right away to stop the problem

Are you missing your ex? If not, it was a lie. Because once a girl falls in love and then breaks up, how many people do not remember their ex?

How is fetal head circumference normal, what is abnormal?

How is fetal head circumference normal, what is abnormal?

Head circumference is an important indicator that the fetus is developing normally. However, if this indicator is abnormal, what should pregnant mothers do?

How is fetal nose bone length normal?

How is fetal nose bone length normal?

Does any mother know that measuring fetal nasal bone length plays a very important role in pregnancy, no less than other indicators?

Pregnant mother eating pickled vegetables can affect the fetus?

Pregnant mother eating pickled vegetables can affect the fetus?

Mother elected to eat pickled vegetables good or not good? Join us to learn through the article for advice and specific information on this.

How many hair whorls does your baby have? Lets see what whirlpool says about a childs personality and future

How many hair whorls does your baby have? Lets see what whirlpool says about a childs personality and future

The folk whirls on the head of a child can indicate personality, destiny and intelligence level. Let's see exactly how this is.

Should drink cocoa when breastfeeding, drink cocoa can affect breast milk

Should drink cocoa when breastfeeding, drink cocoa can affect breast milk

Should I drink cocoa when breastfeeding, an attractive drink for mothers to abstain during pregnancy? You can drink it but only in small amounts.

Can you eat bananas after a caesarean? What to note when eating bananas after giving birth?

Can you eat bananas after a caesarean? What to note when eating bananas after giving birth?

Can a caesarean woman eat bananas? What is the effect of eating bananas for women who have given birth? Let's find the answer in the article below.

Will mothers eat duck after giving birth adversely affect the quality of breast milk?

Will mothers eat duck after giving birth adversely affect the quality of breast milk?

Can you eat duck after birth? Does eating duck have any effect on nursing mothers or the wound healing process of cesarean mothers?

Can she give birth to watermelon? And the doctor gave her shocking answer!

Can she give birth to watermelon? And the doctor gave her shocking answer!

Can you give birth to watermelon? Is it affecting the health of the mother diaper or reducing the quality of breast milk? See the answer in the article immediately.

Teaching kids according to EASY: Raising kids is easier than ever

Teaching kids according to EASY: Raising kids is easier than ever

Teaching your baby to follow EASY is a cyclical, infant routine. This not only helps the baby eat well and sleep well.

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves? Is perilla dangerous? Benefits and harms of perilla for the body of pregnant women? Which delicious foods have perilla? ...

10 ways to make your genitals pink at home naturally and extremely effective

10 ways to make your genitals pink at home naturally and extremely effective

How to make pink natural genitals include tips to help her to defeat her inferiority complex because of the color and confidence to shine?

What is a small nodule around the nipple that appears during pregnancy?

What is a small nodule around the nipple that appears during pregnancy?

Small nodules around the nipple are the outlet openings of the nipple oil glands. Thanks to the small particles around the nipple, the baby easily reaches the breast.

Can pregnant mothers drink coconut water after cesarean section?

Can pregnant mothers drink coconut water after cesarean section?

Can a caesarean drink coconut water? Is it necessary to exclude from the diet? Surely many pregnant women, especially those who love coconut water, have similar questions.

Take note of the 5 best baby shower gel products

Take note of the 5 best baby shower gel products

Baby shower gel for babies, to name 5 prestigious and benign product lines, giving your baby a clean, smooth and fragrant skin every day.

It is true that pregnant women who eat taro will have gestational diabetes

It is true that pregnant women who eat taro will have gestational diabetes

Whether pregnant women can eat taro is still a common question because many pregnant mothers worry that taro is high in starch that can cause gestational diabetes.

Are baby lips really dry and what is the cause?

Are baby lips really dry and what is the cause?

Is baby lips real dry? What is the cause of this situation? Read the article below to find out the source of this problem.

Actually, the hair curls will not be curly when pregnant

Actually, the hair curls will not be curly when pregnant

Should pregnant women have a hair curl is the question of many women when they want to be beautiful during pregnancy because they worry that chemicals can be harmful.

Can pregnant women eat garlic and have any effects on the fetus?

Can pregnant women eat garlic and have any effects on the fetus?

Garlic is a commonly used traditional condiment and is considered a natural antibiotic. But can pregnant women eat garlic and cause any harm?

What to do with itchy vagina? How to treat vaginal itching safely during pregnancy!

What to do with itchy vagina? How to treat vaginal itching safely during pregnancy!

It is common for it to be itchy during pregnancy. So itching in the genital area during pregnancy, especially in the last 3 months, should be treated safely?

Do you know: How long can breast milk be warmed?

Do you know: How long can breast milk be warmed?

How long can breast milk be warmed? That is the question of many women. The article will provide knowledge to help mothers raise their children better.

Lan Khue summarized how to treat buffalo shit for her baby after 3 months of being a mother to diaper

Lan Khue summarized how to treat buffalo shit for her baby after 3 months of being a mother to diaper

Lan Khue told mothers to treat buffalo shit to their babies after 3 months of being a mother to breastfeed, she summarized the problems that almost every newborn baby has.

Learning how to name your baby according to the date of birth helps your baby have a full life!

Learning how to name your baby according to the date of birth helps your baby have a full life!

Naming after your baby's date of birth is not a bad choice. Because, the day you were born, the parents named that day will help you match feng shui and age.

7 tray of rice at cesarean section for mothers to eat well, to heal wounds quickly

7 tray of rice at cesarean section for mothers to eat well, to heal wounds quickly

Rice tray at mothers for cesarean section is extremely important because it affects the ability to have milk and speed of wound recovery or not.

Pregnant women can eat mangosteen? The effects of mangosteen for pregnant women

Pregnant women can eat mangosteen? The effects of mangosteen for pregnant women

During pregnancy, pregnant women pay attention and abstain from eating and drinking very carefully. Therefore, if pregnant women eat mangosteen, it is not a common question of many mothers.

22-month-old baby - She is suddenly lazy to walk and other changes you need to grasp!

22-month-old baby - She is suddenly lazy to walk and other changes you need to grasp!

22-month-old babies can express emotions in each of their sentences. This is the moment when your baby's personality is most clearly shown.

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