22-month-old baby - She is suddenly lazy to walk and other changes you need to grasp!

22-month-old babies can express emotions in each of their sentences. This is the moment when your baby's personality is most clearly shown. So 22 months old baby know what to do? The development of a 22-month-old baby like?

Physical improve

Your child's motor ability continues to develop but slows down somewhat during this time Before, when a toddler was a toddler, he was very excited to walk, run by himself everywhere.

Now, it seems that the child has changed 180 degrees, whenever he wants to go anywhere, he wants to be held, held, he is very lazy to walk. The reason may be that walking at this time does not stimulate the appetite in children anymore. Or it could be due to some physiological changes that make children more lazy.

More inactive children also mean that children follow their parents more, even cling to, not let them leave them. If you do not want to hold your baby a lot but remind him to walk on his own, he may respond with anger or screaming because he does not want to.

Cognitive development

Your little one learns by watching and playing. Your baby is still finding things by way of experimentation and by seeing what you do.

22-month-old baby - She is suddenly lazy to walk and other changes you need to grasp!


22-month-old baby's development manual

You can help by showing your baby how to do things, like how to put blocks or puzzle together, and by playing with him.

Babies still love to touch everything, including putting it in their mouths, to learn the feeling of everything. She uses all of her senses in her discoveries!

Don't worry if your baby falls into royal crisis at this point and your baby looks extremely naughty and naughty. Throwing things, biting, throwing food and toys on the floor, is part of discovering how the world works. The baby has yet to realize that this can ruin everything or hurt others. Talk to your baby gently, but be prepared to remind them often.

Your memory is getting better, and now is the time for mom to help your baby form a routine with time. In addition to eating, sleeping, and cleaning on time, mothers should practice the habit of playing and exercising according to the "schedule".

22-month-old babies are also aware of their actions, and recognize the consequences they cause. Children already know that if the game is not cleaned, it is not a good action, and it can make the mother angry. Practice habits like washing your hands after playing and before eating, cleaning up toys by yourself ... mom!

22-month-old baby development in social & emotional skills

22-month-old baby - She is suddenly lazy to walk and other changes you need to grasp!


22-month-old baby's development manual

Playtime means mother play time! You are the baby's favorite, the baby does not have the patience so the baby cannot wait for anything when he wants, he wants it right away and he or she will immediately gossip to the mother.

At this stage of toddler development, your baby's mind goes beyond his skills. Your baby understands more than he or she can tell you! This will upset your baby, because he or she may know what he wants, but he does not know how to describe it. Patience is key - after all, kids learn by following adult examples.

Children thrive in predictability and habits. So, planning meal times and naps, morning and night rituals make your baby feel safe and secure. Your baby may even surprise you by helping you clear the table after breakfast or grab a toothbrush after dinner!

This predictive ability gives them a sense of control over the world, and many babies will be very upset if the schedule they know is changed, they become irritable. This is completely normal, mothers should explain to the baby each time the change so that the baby learns gradually.

Your baby will get along and prefer to play with you rather than playing alone as before. With no more blunt behavior, the 22-month-olds already know how to use words to win the toys they want. However, the baby has yet to learn how to share with others.

Many babies often suddenly show negative emotions, especially when they are tired or bored. 22-month-old babies are often "caught up" with their own emotions and quickly feel bored. During these times, mothers should comfort them rather than scold the baby. However, if the baby is just pissed off for not being able to do what she wants, the mother can move away, and ignore the baby.

Language and speech development

The mother's mind will now be fully utilized - to be able to guess the ideas and images the baby expresses when communicating.

You can also start telling your baby more about things he points to, like moving cars or hot stoves. This is where the opposite of adjectives comes in. She is also willing to understand simple processes, such as "we first take a cup, then pour the milk, then the baby drinks milk."

Body parts naming is a favorite game at this toddler's development stage, as well as singing songs and listening to stories. Don't worry if your baby seems distracted by the images from the story line. Your baby's curious mind is busy exploring!

Mother and baby communication will be more frequent, and babies can now use 2 or 3 words at the same time to express their sentences. However, 22-month-olds are more likely to use nouns than verbs. According to experts, for children, nouns are often more specific and easier to understand compared to verbs.

Health and nutrition

22-month-old baby - She is suddenly lazy to walk and other changes you need to grasp!


22-month-old baby's development manual

By now, the baby may have nearly enough teething! But that doesn't mean your baby can eat everything. Pay attention to the size of the food, as the baby can still choke on large pieces.

In addition to nutritional supplements for children according to their ability and diet, they still have to feed children, supplement foods with snacks to compensate for the energy spent in children's movements such as snacks, Biscuits, juice, fresh milk, yogurt, fresh fruit.

Special attention should be paid to giving children fruit after meals for about 20 minutes, limiting the children to eat fruit before bed because it is not good for children's tooth enamel.

Tips for parents with 22 months old baby

In addition to anger and adventurous tendencies, stubbornness is another sign of a child this age. Please respect children's likes and concerns, try to give in to small things. However, let your child know that you do not always give in to the child's demands, which helps them become more aware of themselves and listen to their parents.

Teach children how to share toys or food while playing with friends, obey the rules of the game and know how to detect unsafe dangers for themselves to avoid such as high places with sharp objects. Should teach children how to self-hygiene such as washing hands and feet before eating or after using the toilet, brushing their teeth every day to avoid getting sick.


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DEVELOPMENT CAMAN - 23-month-old baby - WebTech360 Vietnam

DEVELOPMENT CAMAN - 24 months old baby - WebTech360 Vietnam

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