Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?

Perilla is a familiar spice vegetable in Vietnamese meals: served with grilled dishes to help relieve boredom, or to a little in soup / stew to flavor. Many pregnant women are worried about whether pregnant women can eat perilla leaves or not, affecting the fetus and often passing on folk experiences. How this problem really damaged, let's follow up in the following article.

4 unexpected benefits of perilla leaves for pregnant women

First of all, let's list the benefits that perilla leaves for pregnant mothers! Using perilla leaves properly and at the right time will significantly improve the health of pregnant mothers during pregnancy because of the benefits that this leaf brings.

Lemon balm to treat colds and flu for pregnant women

During pregnancy, if you accidentally catch a cold or a cold, it is difficult for women to use western medicine to treat the illness because it can cause negative side effects to the fetus. Do women know there is a much safer way, is to use perilla leaves. Usage is as follows:

The easiest is to cook perilla porridge. Perilla porridge will help reduce cold symptoms significantly.

The second way is to boil a handful of perilla leaves with a little tangerine peel and ginger and then take 1 cup of water, drink it while it is warm, then cover with a blanket to sweat. This method is extremely effective because after only 1 time, the cold symptoms are significantly reduced.

Note that should only apply within 2-3 days, because if you use perilla for a long time, it will easily increase your blood pressure.

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?

Reduce morning sickness symptoms

The first 3 months of pregnancy is the most terrible period for most mothers, because at this time women often get morning sickness and will feel nauseous and tired. One of the ways to improve symptoms of morning sickness is to use perilla leaves in combination with some other ingredients, which will bring significant effects to pregnant women.

There are Southern remedies that combine perilla with dong quai, nostalgic paint, ginseng room, licorice, and big apple ... with a certain dose of color into an oral medicine. Pregnant mothers who do not have high blood pressure can refer to this way to reduce morning sickness symptoms significantly.

Perilla helps reduce leg edema in pregnant women in the last months of pregnancy

Recipe with a handful of perilla leaves cooked with boiling water for about 5 minutes, then add salt, let it cool and soak your feet will help women reduce edema in the near-term stage. This simple way to help the mother's body eliminate toxins, relax and fall asleep easier.

Anti-inflammatory acne and skin whitening in pregnant women

During pregnancy, pregnant mothers can easily get acne on the face, back, shoulders ... due to hormonal changes in the body. Perilla leaves can help improve the inflammation of acne and safely whiten the skin during this period.

The specific method is as follows: perilla leaves, rinse to drain, then crush and extract the juice. Use a cotton ball to apply this juice on the skin of the face or body, wait about 20 minutes, then rinse / shower with warm water. If there is no time, women can also crush perilla with warm water to wash their face or bathe daily.

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?

The harm of perilla leaves for pregnant women

In addition to the great benefits mentioned above, perilla can also cause unwanted side effects for pregnant women if used incorrectly or overused.

Causes increased blood pressure

The above medicines to eat / drink should only be applied in a short time of about 2-3 days. Perilla leaves, if abused for a long time or with too many doses, will make the mother's blood pressure increase, easily leading to complications such as pre-eclampsia, premature birth, the fetus with cardiovascular disease ... If you drink perilla leaves for a long time, you will be tired, have less appetite, have difficulty breathing, constipation, red urination ...

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?

Bleeding is worse in some pregnant women when using perilla leaves to stimulate labor

Folk say by word of mouth how to drink perilla leaves when they are about to give birth. However, this approach is not based on any research, and has caused massive bleeding in some pregnant mothers when they are about to go into labor , causing danger to life for both mother and baby.

Using perilla is not good for people who have a hot cold or have a prone to sweating

According to Dr. Tran Van Thanh, Director of the Central Acupuncture Hospital (Hanoi), perilla should not be used with people with heat or people with a lot of perspiration.

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves?

Through the knowledge shared above, the mother is completely assured that pregnant women can eat perilla leaves. However, whether it is perilla leaves or any kind of food, you should not eat too much or eat for a long time to avoid causing an adverse reaction to the body. Perilla is warm, used regularly and much will not be good for your health, making pregnant women at risk of hypertension. Perilla is a medicine, when there is no disease should only be used as a spice. Therefore, women should not use it indiscriminately!

Delicious dishes can not lack perilla leaves in the composition

Please refer to the list of dishes with perilla leaves in which perilla helps highlight the flavor of the main dish. These are extremely familiar dishes and not too difficult to prepare:

Minced meat porridge combined with onion and perilla to make sense

The eggplant dish cooked with pork, fried beans, added batch, shrimp paste, onion and perilla is extremely attractive

Ba just braised banana beans with perilla

Snail cooked with banana and meat can not lack perilla for the smell

Perilla snail rolls

Crispy banh xeo served with perilla and other herbs

Can pregnant women eat perilla leaves and how should they eat to avoid side effects?


Mother elected to eat perilla as a spice that goes with the main dishes, and is the seasoning, just right, should not eat too much. If you want to use perilla as a medicine to treat ailments, mothers should carefully research and consult a physician to have the safest remedy for health. Perilla has many beneficial effects for pregnant women, but only good when used in a short time. Wish moms a reasonable diet without having to miss this popular spicy vegetable dish!

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