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Guide to earning gold and diamonds on Nimo TV
Guide to earning gold and diamonds on Nimo TV
Video Guide to earning gold and diamonds on Nimo TV
Surely if you are a regular user of Nimo TV to watch live streaming videos of famous Streamer. You can't help but know that you can give them gifts when you watch the livestream using gold and diamonds in your account to buy items and send them to them.
If you are new to this application, you probably know the ways to earn lots of gold and diamonds. Therefore, here we would like to introduce the article on making money and diamonds on Nimo TV , invite you to follow along.
Lucky Draw (Lucky Wheel) is a game that helps Nimo TV users can easily earn a lot of gold, diamonds and valuable gifts. This application allows us to spin 1 time / day, below will be the steps taken to participate in this game.
Step 1: To be able to make all the ways to make gold and diamonds, you first need to open the Nimo TV app on your phone.
Step 2: At the home page of this app, click on the icon of the lucky wheel on the left side of the screen.
Step 3: In the main interface of this game will display the table of prizes that we can receive when participating, click the Go button to spin the lucky wheel.
Step 4: The system will now automatically spin random prizes.
Step 5: Now the prize will be displayed on the screen, click the Confirm button to receive your gift.
2. Open the gift box when watching the live video
You can watch the livestream and earn lots of gold and diamonds by opening the item boxes that appear below the live video you are watching. Here are the steps to take to receive gifts in this way.
Step 1: First at the Nimo TV homepage, click to watch any video you like that is available. Or maybe search for the name of the video and watch.
Step 2: At the bottom of the video that you are watching will appear an item box , to open, you need to continue watching the livestream until the time under the chest runs out.
Step 3: Then click the icon of the item box .
Step 4 : Click the Get button at the bottom of the item chest.
Step 5: At this time, a notification will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Please continue to watch the livestream to open more other gift boxes and we will be able to open up to 6 item chests.
Above is a guide to making money and gold on Nimo TV, we hope that after following the ways in this article, you can easily earn a lot of gold and diamonds to buy parts. gifts for the Streamer I idolize.
Update new 2021
To start a PC game with OBS, just follow the steps below.
Download OBS
Link nimo account to OBS
Test network connection and set streaming parameters
Setting up Live content
Let's get statred!
Where can I check my Livestream?
1.Download OBS
OBS is a free software for live streaming. You can use it to stream the PC game. Please download the latest Version on https://obsproject.com
2.Link Nimo account to OBS
2.1 When you first open OBS, it will alert the ‘Auto-Configuration Wizard’. Select the first item by default. Click 「Next」.
Click「+」,select「Display Capture」,constantly click「OK」until completing your setting. After that, the content on your monitor is what you are going to broadcast.
5.Let's get started!
Click「Start Streaming」. Congradulations again,your first streaming is beginning from here!
6.Where can I check my Livestream?
Click「Stream Manager」at「Dasdboard」,You can see the preview effect of your streaming in Stream Preview.