Minecraft is one of the most popular gaming legends in the world. Minecraft is available on all platforms and the Raspberry Pi is no exception.
Minecraft: Pi Edition
The great thing about playing Minecraft on a Raspberry Pi is that every version of it is completely free. This is unprecedented in other platforms. In addition, Minecraft Pi also allows players to create their own world, manually design mods to link the real world and more. The following article will help you install and run Minecraft Pi on Raspberry Pi easily.
Installing Raspbia on Raspberry Pi brings you Minecraft Pi right in the Games section. Minecraft Pi is the core version of the popular survival game , designed to help users understand different programming languages.
Using Pi running Minecraft , you can interact with 3D world in Python. In addition to building structures on a normal interface, Pi also allows users to control the world with scripts to create & edit blocks.
Minecraft Pi is similar to the early versions of Pocket Edition and only has a "Creative" mode. Therefore, it is not as advanced as the versions you play on other platforms.
Instructions for installing Minecraft Pi on Raspberry Pi
Start Raspberry Pi, log in, then type the following command:
This command will run the graphical interface. Click the LXTerminal icon to open the terminal window. Use the following command to download the Minecraft package from the homepage:
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/assets.minecraft.net/pi/minecraft-pi-0.1.1.tar.gz
Then use the following command to extract the content:
tar -zxvf minecraft-pi-0.1.1.tar.gz
This has created a directory and you should extract some files from it. Open that folder by typing:
Finally, you can run the application using the command:
The Minecraft Pi window will open and it should look like this:
Click " Start Game " to start and create a world of exploration.
Minecraft runs at a fixed resolution so your screen may vary depending on the settings. You can maximize the window to run in full screen mode. However, this may affect the mouse pointer. Therefore, please use the keyboard as well.
Add desktop icon
It's annoying to type commands every time you want to play. So why not create a shortcut on your desktop?
First, save the image to your computer as " minecraft.png ", then copy it and move into the mcpi folder .
Right-click on the LXDE desktop, select " Create New " after " Blank File ".
Name the file " minecraft.desktop ". Click OK and the shortcut file will appear on the desktop.
Right-click on the new .desktop file , select " Leafpad ". This file will open in the " Leafpad " text editor .
Copy the following code into " Leafpad ":
[Desktop Entry]
Name = Minecraft Pi Edition
Comment = Launch Minecraft Pi Edition!
Exec = sh -c 'cd ~ / mcpi && lxterminal -l -t Minecraft -e ./minecraft-pi'
Icon = / home / pi / mcpi / minecraft.png
Terminal = false
Type = Application
Categories = Application; Games;
StartupNotify = true
Use the " File " menu to save the file and exit " Leafpad ".
Shortcut now has a nice icon and named " Minecraft Pi Edition ".
Double clicking this icon will open Minecraft.
Use Minecraft
Here are some shortcuts to help you manipulate quickly when playing Minecraft Pi
ESC Stop / Menu
W Move forward
A Move to the right
S Backwards
D Move right
E Display block storage
1 - 8 Select items in the Quick-bar
Left mouse Destroy blocks
Right mouse click Place the block
Spacebar Jump (increased in fly-mode)
Shift Hide (reduction in fly-mode)
You can use the mouse to change the viewing angle. Scroll the mouse if you want to see the items in turn. Left mouse button to select block. When viewing the repository, you can use the WASD key combination to deselect by pressing Enter to select the block.
Double-clicking Spacebar will enable or disable fly-mode. You can exit Minecraft Pi by clicking the [x] immediately in the right hand corner of the game window.
Python API
The Python API allows you to control the Minecraft world. By default, the Python API comes pre-installed on the Raspberry Pi. This is a great way to help you structure and learn Python at the same time.
Hope the article is helpful to you.