Summary of cheat codes in the game Counter Strike

Counter Strike is a first-person shooter game extremely attractive, captivating the majority of gamers worldwide. Join the game you will have the opportunity to become a great gunman, participate in fierce gun battles.

Counter-Strike is often referred to as CS , first launched as Half-Life: Counter-Strike. The game is set in the anti-terrorist squad to participate in destroying terrorist bosses, you will have to use your own tactics to wipe out the enemy, quickly win your army.

But to play Counter Strike game effectively, you need to learn experience, practice skills, understand the moving techniques , as well as cheat codes to manipulate more effectively, quickly becoming a great gunman. . Invite you to follow the article below:

Summary of cheat codes in the game Counter Strike

1. Sv Code (Server Options - Only for the server):

  • Sv_aim 0: Used for aiming guns such as Scount, Awp, SG550 ... When the opponent is within the range of sight, you turn on the crosshair to automatically focus on the enemy. This code can be used on all workstations.
  • Sv_accelerate 5: Increase the speed of swimming in water, used when playing maps with ponds, lakes, rivers and streams.
  • Sv_airacecelerate 10: Move faster than normal speed.
  • Sv_airmove: Adjust your flight style and speed.
  • Sv_cheat 1: Turn on Cheat Code mode.
  • Sv_restart 1: Restart the Server.
  • Sv_stepsize 999999: Code climbing wall.
  • Sv_skycolor r 9: Change your body color to red when outdoors.
  • Sv_skycolor r 99: Same as Sv skycolor r 9.
  • Sv_skycolor r 999: Same as Sv skycolor r 9.
  • Sv_skycolor bl 9: The code changes to blue.
  • Sv_skycolor bl 99: Same as Sv skycolor bl 9.
  • Sv_skycolor bl 999: Same as Sv skycolor bl 9.
  • Sv_skycolor gre 9: The code changes to green.
  • Sv_skycolor gre 99: Like Sv skycolor gre 9.
  • Sv_skycolor gre 999: Same as Sv skycolor gre 9.
  • Sv_fiction [999999999999 ">: The code goes fast for 4 seconds, then goes as usual.
  • Sv_restartround 0: Restart the Server, all indicators are 0.
  • Sv_spectatormaxspeed: Adjust the speed of walking around the map.
  • Sv_stopspeed: Code to stop quickly, do not miss the momentum.
  • Sv_maxspeed: Code to increase the maximum speed.
  • Sv_waterraccelerate: Increase speed in swimming under water, combined with the ";" key to swim.
  • Sv_sendvelocity 0: The code helps to improve the quality of weak, laggy and lagged configurations.
  • Sv_password: Set a password for your server.
  • Sv_timeout 60/0: Clicks all players in the room after 60s.
  • Sv_lan 1: Connecting the Lan network between clients .
  • Sv_gravity (-999 to 9999): Flying code, the higher the index is, the lower the flight and vice versa, the default is 800.
  • Sv_clienttrace 1: Correct shot command for the entire network.
  • Sv_failuretime 0.5: Adjust the start time of the action, after 0.5 seconds to be allowed to move.
  • Sv_waterfriction 1: Improve the speed of swimming underwater.
  • Sv_challengetime 15: Increase game time in the game.
  • Sv_zmax 4096/00: Code to see through a wall when setting the 3D screen mode.
  • Sv_skyname: Name the Sky.
  • Sv_maxvelocity 2000: The code goes faster than usual.

Summary of cheat codes in the game Counter Strike

2. Mp instruction code:

  • Mp_startmoney 800: Money codes range from $ 800 to $ 16000.
  • Mp_logdetail 0: This code is adjusted so that when someone from far away shoots at you if you see a red dot on the barrel of the gun, it is the enemy and vice versa, if not, the same team.
  • Mp_fadetoblack 0: Code that makes your screen or other people when dead will automatically turn black, not let people around see other happenings in the game. Number 1 is on, and 0 is off.
  • Mp_buytime 1.5: The maximum time allowed for players to purchase, here you have 1.5 minutes to buy.
  • Mp_winlimit 0: The maximum number of rounds allowed. If it is 10, then the side that reaches 10 win first will stop the match.
  • Mp_limitteams 2: The maximum number of players on each side.
  • Mp_autokick 1: Click the people who have lag, jerk, do not play anymore but still in the game.
  • Mp_autoteambalance 1: Click when there is a difference in the number of players between the two sides, if the 4-party 2-side then it automatically raises for both 3.
  • Mp_chasecam 0: Code when you die will see teammates.
  • Mp_c4timer: Time of bomb exploding in the map of bombs, ranging from 45 to 90 seconds.
  • Mp_freezetime 6: When you adjust the number 0, you can go as soon as you enter the screen rather than waiting for the countdown time, in normal mode, you have to wait 6 seconds to start going.
  • Mp_roundtime: The time allowed for each round, if you adjust the number 4, each round only has 4 minutes to end the round.
  • Mp_friendlyfire 0: Code to shoot a teammate, 0 to turn off, 1 to turn on.
  • Mp_timelimit 0: Maximum time of each round.
  • Mp_maxrounds 0: The maximum number of round of a map, when typing 20, after 20 rounds will automatically switch to another map.
  • Mp_footsteps 1: Hear your footsteps clearly.
  • Mp_flashlight 0/1: Toggle flashlight mode.
  • Mp_hostagepenalty 1/0: Toggle the mode of deducting money when you shoot hostage, works for all players.
  • Mp_logmessages 0/1: Do not allow death talks between members.
  • Mp_forcechasecam 0/1/2: When he dies, he can only see his teammates.
  • Mp_chattime 10: Time to chat with each other, it is best to default.
  • Mp_weaponstay 0: Code used to pick up the gun, it will be fully loaded.

3. Cl code (Client Options):

  • Cl_observercrosshair 1: Toggle Croshair mode.
  • Cl_hidefrags 1: See all kill / death stats of all players or press Tab.
  • Cl_gg: Turn off Gaube game mode.
  • Cl_himodels 0/1: Turn on / off the Higher Models view.
  • Cl_yawspeed 210: Move fast.
  • Cl_upspeed 320: Help escalate quickly.
  • Cl_movespeedkey 0.3: For flexible keys.
  • Cl_anglespeedkey 0.67: For flexible keys.
  • Cl_gratestimation 1: Hear your footsteps clearly.
  • Cl_rol [tab] 3: The code is tilted.
  • Cl_client [tab] 999: Press the Tab key to display the full code name.
  • Cl_sidespeed x: Set fast moving speed.
  • Cl_forwardspeed x: Set the speed to which to move.
  • Cl_backwardspeed x: Set the speed to move back and forth.

4. Fast gun buying code:

  • Gives Steyr Aug weapon_aug.
  • Gives SIG p288 weapon_p288.
  • Gives Scout weapon_scout.
  • Gives Para weapon_m249.
  • Gives MP5 weapon_mp5navy.
  • Gives MAC-10 weapon_mac 10.
  • Gives M3 Super Shotgun weapon_m3.
  • Gives H&K Sniper Rifle weapon_g3sg1.
  • Gives Glock 18 pistol weapon_glock18.
  • Gives Fn P90 weapon_p90.
  • Gives Dual Berretas weapon_elite.
  • Gives Desert Eagle weapon_deagle.
  • Gives Commando weapon_sg552.
  • Gives Colt M4a1 Carbine weapon_m4a1.
  • Gives Benelli xm1014 weapon_xm1014.
  • Gives AK-47 weapon_ak47.
  • Gives Arctic Sniper Rifle spaceweapon_awp.
  • Gives Flashbang weapon_flashbang.
  • Gives HE Grenade weapon_hegrenade.
  • Gives Smoke grenade weapon_smokegrenade.
  • Gives Bomb Defuser weapon_defuser.
  • Gives Arctic weapon_awp.
  • Gives SIG 550 weapon_sig550.
  • Gives Ump.45 weapon_ump45.
  • Gives Usp.45 weapon_usp.
  • Gives Kevlar Vest weapon_kevlar.
  • Gives Nightvision goggles weapon_nightvision.

Summary of cheat codes in the game Counter Strike

5. Quick purchase orders:

  • Bind E "setinfo lefthand 1": Change the gun to the left hand, press the E key to toggle.
  • Bind R "setinfo lefthand 0": Change gun to right hand.
  • Bind E "menuselect x", x = 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8: Quickly buy armor, guns, grenades.
  • Bind i "crosshair 0": Toggle Crosshair mode.
  • Bind p "gl_zmax 0/1460": Use the 3D screen to see through the wall.
  • Bind e "chooseteam; buy menuselect 6; buy menuselect 1": Immortal code, dies after 5 seconds.

6. Other codes:

  • Skill 1: Level 1 player.
  • Hud_centerid 0/1: Turn on / off the IP view.
  • Notarget 00: Code will remove the red dot when firing and your body will not light up.
  • Sidedown / Sideup: Reduce / increase the screen.
  • Bind: Optional key.
  • Ghost 0/1: The view at death.
  • Max_shell: Maximum outer shell in the screen.
  • Max_smokepuffs: Maximum breath in snowy maps.
  • Fastspiters: 0 = blindness; 1 = normal; 2 = blind vision for blind bombs.
  • Net_adress: See the IP address.
  • Togglebrower: Stop playing and find another Server.
  • Status: View host name, version, map, IP address, player.
  • Time: Time played from the beginning until now.
  • Timerefresh: Rotates 360 degrees.
  • Add: Add someone to.
  • + graph: Heart rate code, electrocardiogram.
  • -graph: Turn off heart rate code.
  • Zoom_sensitivity_ratio 1.2: Code to adjust the sensitivity when aiming.
  • Password: Anti-Retry and Reconnect.
  • Escape: Exit the Server.
  • Echo: Echo .
  • Drawradar: Command to use radar.
  • Dideradar: Cancel the radar.
  • Cancalselect: Exit the Console.
  • Force_centerview: Increase the screen size.
  • Firstperson and thirdperson: Mode when death.
  • +/- reload: Reload the gun.
  • +/- duck: Sit.
  • +/- jump: Jump.
  • +/- speed: Speed ​​goes.
  • +/- moveleft: Automatically go to the left.
  • +/- moveright: Automatically go to the right.
  • +/- lockdown: Automatically look down.
  • +/- lookup: Look straight up.
  • +/- camyawright: Technique deviates to the right.
  • +/- camyawleft: Technique goes to the left.
  • +/- showscores: Show player list.
  • +/- score: Show the list of players.
  • +/- speed: Go slow.
  • +/- strafe: Do not adjust the mouse up and down.
  • +/- back: Automatically go backward.
  • +/- forward: Automatically go forward.
  • +/- right: Automatically to the right.
  • +/- left: Automatically to the left.
  • +/- movedown: Go slow.
  • Flush: Mode view from above to below.
  • Patch: Check to see which drive the game is on.
  • Shutdownserver: Exit the Server.
  • Soundfade: Turn off the sound.
  • Version: See the version you are playing.
  • Say: Talking together.
  • Say_team: Talk to teammates.
  • Tell: Talk.
  • Pause: Stop playing Server.
  • Save: Save the demo.
  • Autosave : Automatically save the demo.
  • Startdemos: Start watching the demo.
  • Demos + name: Activate the demo.
  • Stopdemo: Stop the demo.
  • Mcache: See the specifications.
  • Escape: Exit the Console.
  • Toggleconsole: Exit the Console.
  • Dideconsole: Exit the Console.
  • Messagemode = drunk: Talk.
  • Messagemode2 = say_team: Talk to teammates.
  • Maxplayer: See the maximum number of players.
  • Sideup: Increase the screen.
  • Sidedown: Reduce the screen.
  • Gammedir: View the current directory.
  • Connect: Connect to the server.
  • Stop: Stop the demo
  • Playdemo: Watch the demo.
  • Timedemo: Runtime demo.
  • Removedemo: Removing demo.
  • Starmovie: Start the demo.
  • Endmovie: Close the demo.
  • Stopsound: Turn off the sound.
  • Pingserver: View server's ping.
  • Suitvolume 0.25: Adjust the sound.
  • Sensitivity 5.7: Adjust the sensitivity of the mouse.
  • D_mipcap 0: 3D display.
  • D_mipcaple 0/10: 3D screen.
  • Lefthand (default 1): Change hands.
  • Name "name": The code for renaming.
  • Exit: Exit.
  • Quite: Quit.
  • Users: See the number of players.
  • Adjust_crosshair: Change the color of the scope .
  • Con_color 256 256 256: Change the Hud color.
  • Timeleft: Time to exit the map.
  • Ping: See the number of ping.
  • Impulse 101: Money code.
  • Impulse 99: On the right corner of the screen with the Sierra Logo, this code is a bit difficult to adjust, enter about 6, 7 times.
  • Impulse 195: Clicks on all workstations.
  • Impulse 102: Skipping code.
  • D (ta); 3: Click the server.
  • Volume 1: Adjust the volume of the speaker sound.
  • Lightgamma 2.5, ambret-1,001, gamma 99, bright (tab) 99: Bright code.
  • Restart: Restart the Server.
  • Map + map name: Floor code
  • Changlelevel: Code exchange floor.
  • Crosshair: Use the muzzle or not.
  • God: Turn on God mode.
  • Noclip: Bring the box.
  • Kick + name: Click someone out of your server.
  • Hostname: Name the Server.
  • Hostkill: Exit the Server.
  • Killserver: Exit the Server.
  • Retry: Exit and go back.
  • Skin + skin name: Change the player's shape.

Above are the most common Counter Strike codes, and some of the less used ones we do not list here. Hope you remember all these cheat codes to play Half Life game more effectively!

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