Similar to Hot games like PUBG, Rules Of Survival, PUBG Mobile VNG, Dota 2 also has its own shortcut system to help players control and manipulate in-game much more conveniently.

Using keyboard shortcuts makes controlling Dota 2 more convenient
System shortcuts in the game Dota 2 for gamers
Basic keyboard shortcuts
- Esc key: Turn on/off windows in the game.
- Keys A, W, D, S: Move left, right, up, down when playing the game.
- Q, W, E, R keys: To perform basic skills of the character.
- X, 2, 3, 4 and Left Tab: Can read equipment information and use these items if this is an active item.
- Left Alt key: Link to the remaining functions available in the game.
- Prt key: Save interesting moments in the game.
- Arrow keys: Set by default in the game, players cannot change these keys.
- L key: Push now.
- Caplock key: Allows you to select the devices you are controlling.
- Tab key: Used to select hero.
- Space key: Return to the position the character is standing or has been defeated.
- Key ~: Help the player select all equipment.
Advanced Shortcuts
- Alt + Click on the enemy hero at the top, it will announce that the miss hero has disappeared from the map.
- Ctrl + Alt + Click on enemy hero icon, will notify teammates that the selected hero has entered the lane.
- Alt + Left-clicking on an item in the shop will notify teammates that you are building for that item, avoiding the same item build.
- Alt + Left click on your skill will notify the team members what the status of that skill is currently.
Remember the Dota 2 shortcuts above, to operate faster, quickly win the game!