Benefits of connecting a mouse and keyboard to a TV
When you connect a mouse and keyboard to the TV, you can:
- Quick, easy input compared to using the remote to control the virtual keyboard on the TV.
- Quickly perform optional operations, navigate, and scroll pages.
How to connect mouse and keyboard to LG Smart TV NetCast operating system
1. Connect the TV to the mouse
+ Connect TV with wired mouse:
To connect the TV with a wired mouse, you plug the USB end of the mouse cord into the USB port on the TV, then the TV will display a message of successful connection, and the mouse pointer will appear on the screen.
Plug the mouse cord into the USB port
+ Connect TV with wireless mouse:
To connect the TV to a wireless mouse, plug the receiver of the mouse into the USB port of the TV, then the TV will display the connection message and the mouse pointer will appear on the screen.
Plug the receiver into the USB portThe message has been connected successfullyCursor
After connecting the mouse to the TV, you can freely use the mouse to move, scroll the page, click select .... For example, in this article, WebTech360 will use the mouse to click and choose to listen to a Music Album in Zing application. Mp3.
Use the mouse when manipulating the application
To disconnect the mouse, simply unplug the mouse cable or receiver (for wireless mice) from the USB port.
Similar to connecting TV to mouse, you can connect LG Smart TV running NetCast with wired and wireless keyboard.
+ Connect TV with wired keyboard:
To connect the TV with a wired keyboard, plug the USB end of the keyboard cord into the USB port on the TV. At this time, the message of successful connection will appear on the TV.
Plug the keyboard cord into the USB port
+ Connect TV with wireless keyboard:
To connect the TV to the wireless keyboard, plug the receiver of the keyboard into the TV's USB port and the TV will display the message of successful connection.
Plug the receiver into the USB portThe TV announces the successful keyboard connection
After connecting the TV to the keyboard, you can use the keyboard for input operations on the TV, instead of wasting time controlling the remote on the virtual keyboard.
For example, in this article, WebTech360 will use the keyboard to type the video content to search when using the Youtube application.
Open the YouTube appUse the keyboard to type in the search text and select the video you want to watchThe video is played on TV
To disconnect the keyboard, simply unplug the mouse cable or receiver (for wireless mice) from the USB port.
- LG TVs tend to prioritize using virtual keyboards for input, so when you connect the TV to the wireless keyboard, there may be a situation where you can only enter numbers but not words. The solution now is that you can use the virtual keyboard, or use a wired keyboard.
- All LG Smart TVs with NetCast operating system nowadays allow connection with mouse and keyboard. However, not all mice and keyboards are 100% compatible TV. LG NetCast Smart TV is best compatible with Logitech keyboards and mice.