According to the latest information from Riot Games, Norra will be the champion to debut in the near future in League of Legends and has a plot closely related to the event of Viego's downfall. Let's learn the basic information about this new champion in the following article.

League of Legends: Revealing the new champion Norra - the owner of the cat Yuumi
According to some stories given by Riot, Norra is originally a Yordle mage who loves to explore both physical and spiritual domains. League of Legends gamers familiar with Yuumi will remember that this cat has one owner, and that's Norra. Norra left Bandle City using The Book of Threshold (the book Yuumi sat on) to a rather dark and deadly place.

Norra's Spell Book
Linked to Viego's downfall, it's very likely that Norra's destination is the Shadow Islands. And to find her owner, Yuumi the cat also used this same magic book. Norra launch will also be associated with the storyline of League of Legends in the great decline period and is an important link.

The Gate to the Shadow Islands
Norra has been revealed by Riot to be a control mage champion instead of a ranged discharging mage. Although it will take a while for Norra to officially launch, this will be a highly anticipated champion in League of Legends.