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How to back up Adorable Home game data
How to back up Adorable Home game data
Video How to back up Adorable Home game data
Backup data when playing Adorable Home game is very necessary, this will help you keep all game data when updating or encounter errors related to losing Adorable Home game account. So if you've ever hacked the Adorable Home or used the Adorable Home play tips to get more points, don't forget to Backup the save file to save all the data when playing this extremely hot virtual cat game . Here's a detailed guide on how to back up Adorable Home gram data.
Instructions to back up data when playing Adorable Home game
Step 1:
At the main interface, access the file management application of your Android phone and continue to navigate to the Android folder.
Then find the file named: com.hyper ... ablehome → File .
Step 2:
The files in the File folder appear, select 5 data files ending in .txt by holding and copying.
Step 3:
Return to the file manager, where you will create a new folder called Adorable Home Save.
Then open the newly created Adorable Home Save folder and paste the copied data above.
Step 4:
When you update the Adorable Home game, there are errors or related unfortunate issues.Just go to this folder and copy the above 5 data files to the game directory under the path: File manager -> com.hyper. ..ablehome → File -> Paste data -> Select paste data instead.
Now you have Adorable Home game data files stored without having to worry about data loss during game play.
Update new 2021:
I transferred my Adorable Home game data to a new phone
I did it! After unsuccessful attempts by simply copying the files and using third party app(s), I finally transferred the game data from my old phone to the new one using local backup in the phone settings. All of the cats and furniture are there without any changes, both me and my partner are there sleeping soundly, the visiting animals also eager to give their love already. The hearts were mostly gone tho, only 79 left from 1400+ it supposed to be (should've spend it beforehand...)
Both of my phones are the same brand, Xiaomi, so I guess it's what made it pretty easy to do the backup and restore. I did the local backup process in Backup & Reset settings, copy the backup files folder to PC, copy again from PC to the new phone, and finally restore it in Backup & Reset settings. The backup folder is in MIUI/backup/AllBackup, named after the time when I did the backup. For example, mine is MIUI/backup/AllBackup/18112020_172750. See? 18 November 2020, 17:27:50 (or 5.27 pm).
Local backup allowed me to backup only the app and not my entire phone data, while Mi Cloud or Google Backup didn't have that option. It may be slightly different for another phone so if you wanna try this it'd be best to do prior search of how to backup according to your phone. Also, I think you can use this method to simply backup your data so that you can continue your progress after you lost it for whatever reason.