PUBG Mobile shooter has quite a lot of maps as well as different game modes, suitable for many players. If you are alone and you don't feel comfortable playing in a group, you can switch to playing PUBG Mobile in Solo mode .
Solo (single player) is one of the 3 game modes (single player - 2 player - 4 player) that PUBG Mobile has today. This is also the only game mode that gamers can play alone, so if you want to try, right now you can join and refer to the guide to winning when playing solo mode PUBG Mobile that .vn will introduce the following.
PUBG Mobile for Android
PUBG Mobile for iOS
How to play solo mode in PUBG Mobile
Step 1 : You start the game, from the main interface, select the Classic icon as shown in the image below.
Step 2 : Here, we can set the modes and ways of playing in this survival game , like:
- Choose shooting mode (from first view to third view and vice versa)
- Select Mode (Classic or Arcade)
- Map options (Erangel, Sanhok or Miramar)
- Select game mode (Solo - Duo - Squad).
Because in the article is guiding solo mode, we select the head icon at the bottom of the Team section , then OK.
You can also choose to play in Arcade for a newer experience with this best survival shooter today.
Step 3: After choosing, everything happens exactly the same as when we play the team (Squad), the only difference is that we will play alone and can freely choose a parachute location than when play as a team.
How to win when playing Solo in PUBG Mobile
To be able to easily win in this game mode, players need to remember the following:
Land as quickly as possible
Different from playing as a team (can be more confident when parachuting if you dance with your teammates), with solo mode, immediately find yourself a landing point and try to land as quickly as possible, because with In this 100 person map, there are 99% of your enemies.
The early landing also helps you loot faster, be more active in the fighting phase and take advantage of the opponent.
There is no need to fight if not required
PUBG Mobile is a survival game - this should not be repeated. Therefore, the ultimate goal of the player is to survive in the end, not to defeat many people.
Therefore, when you are not sure whether you can defeat the enemy or not have a weapon, it is best to try to hide or stay away from the battle area. Sometimes, waiting for the opponent to destroy each other and then "favorable fisherman" will help you to have a high score and earn a lot of good things while ensuring the maximum winning rate.
Always pay close attention to the surroundings
Certainly not only are you the only one with your strategy, but all the other players are the same. And hiding, waiting is always a smart thing that gamers use in every match. Even if you're "full", running around "earning lives" is never a good idea, especially when you're alone.
Keep an eye on the surroundings constantly, this will not only help you avoid enemies, but if you're lucky, you can also navigate and reach the position of the hearing tank in the fastest way.
Never stand in an empty place
This is something that everyone probably knows, but still need to repeat, especially when you are alone, all your efforts become fruitful in a minute of carelessness. Playing as a team, if you are defeated, you can still count on the rest of your teammates, but playing solo, you die means everything is over.
PUBG Mobile is currently one of the hottest "first- person shooters " on the market. The company will add some new features as well as new weapons. These promises to be interesting updates, bringing many surprises to players in the future.