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The simplest guide to registering a Supercell ID account
The simplest guide to registering a Supercell ID account
Video The simplest guide to registering a Supercell ID account
Account Supercell ID (SPC ID) is the account of the famous game company Supercell . Here, Download.com.vn will guide you how to create a Supercell ID account fastest .
SPC ID has many advantages, but one of the most important is that we will not need to remember a password, every time you log in, an activation code will be sent and just enter this code. Can enter Supercell's game play.
Another advantage, is that we will not need to use Google accounts , Facebook or personal email as before, ensuring safety and convenience when you can use them together when you play games on multiple devices.
In this article, the writer will choose illustrations with CoC games, other games, you can do the same. At the main interface of one of these games, you touch the icon settings - Settings (picture cogs) in the corner of the screen.
Settings icon in the main screen of the game
Step 2: The interface of Settings - Settings appears as below. You may observed items are Supercell ID mode Disconnected - Disconnected . Touch here to continue.
The installation interface of the game CoC
Step 3: A new interface will appear, we touch Register Now - Register a new account .
Click on Register Now
Step 4: Click Continue - Continue .
Click Continue
Step 5: Fill in your email address in the two blank fields below and select Register - Register . In this step, we can either re-enter the old email address or use a new account.
And also from this step, this will be the only email address associated with your game account (whether this account is logged into Google or Game Center or not).
Enter your email address
Step 6: Check the Inbox of the email you just entered above, a 6-digit code will be sent, you enter exactly what number sequence in the Verify interface as below and select Submit.
Enter the confirmation code received from the email you just registered
Step 7: Tab to Okay to complete the SPC ID account registration .
Complete Supercell ID account registration
At this point, you will be returned to the game interface that is currently playing. Tap the Settings icon again to check. The Connected button is lit up (green) which means your account has been successfully linked.
SPC ID account has been connected to the game
Tap Connected and Log Out to log out of the current account.
Sign out of your account
Since every time we log into the game, we do not need a password but will confirm the information by entering the code sent to the email, this will be quite troublesome, so you can tick the Remember me on this device - Remember me on this device so the game doesn't ask for a password for the next login attempts.
Mark remember login
When logging out of your account, at the main interface of the game, you will see 2 options:
Log in with Supercell ID - Sign in with your Supercell ID account
Play without Supercell ID - Play without Supercell ID
You can choose one of two options, you don't have to use which one.
Account login interface Supercell ID
Another note, that when you log out of your Supercell ID account and choose to login again, if you have more than one account, you can touch which account you want to play. Do not touch the ( Forgot ) icon , as otherwise you will have to proceed to log in again.
Select the account to play the game
You can also choose Log in with another ID to be able to sign up for another Supercell ID account. The steps are the same as above, you do it in order.