Viber is a popular VoIP application in Vietnam, allowing users to message or call completely free. Just open 3G or Wifi, you can freely chat until your phone runs out of battery! The benefits of Viber are undeniable, but sometimes you feel annoyed with some of the utilities that Viber offers.
Viber for iOS Viber for Android
Sometimes you want to hide Viber, do not want others to see you are online to avoid nuisance? Or do not want others to know you have seen "Seen" content in the conversation? This article, will give you tips to hide online status, hide content in Viber conversation for phones.
Viber now has updated a lot of new special features, you can also play games directly on Viber. You can update or download the latest version to experience the advantages of the leading free chat application today.
Instructions for hiding online status on Viber
Step 1: Open the Viber app on your phone, click the 3 dash icon in the top left corner of the screen, select Settings.

Step 2: Next, click on Privacy, uncheck the 2 items:
- Share 'online' status: All friends will not see when you are online. But you need to note, after unchecking, it takes 24 hours to reset.
- Share 'Read' Status : Hide the read status (Seen) for messages, so friends don't know whether you've read the message or not.

Video tutorial offline online status on Viber
From now on every other person you know will not know, to avoid being bothered while busy. You can do the same on iOS and Windows Phone devices.
I wish you successful implementation!