How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

For those who love or want to try Android apps, games or gadgets but don't have any devices at hand, using BlueStacks is the best option. Because this is an extremely popular and effective Android emulator. Through this emulator utility, users can download, play games, or use all Android applications without any problems.

In addition, with tools such as Root Explorer (free of charge), or ES File Explorer (free for Android), users can easily copy photos, music, data from BlueStacks to the computer. In this article, will guide you how to use ES File Explorer - manage files and applications for Android to copy photos, music, data from BlueStacks to PC quickly.

Data synchronization in BlueStacks with the computer

Preparation: Before proceeding, if BlueStacks is not installed, you need to make sure your computer meets the minimum requirements to be able to install and run this emulator. Requirements include:

  • Operating systems from Windows XP - SP3 or higher (required).
  • NET Framework 2.0 SP2. Download the latest Framework here.
  • Although BlueStacks only requires 1GB RAM, to ensure the device runs smoothly, you should have RAM of 2GB or more.
  • Computer graphics drivers need to be updated to be compatible with BlueStacks. If you are not sure about this Driver, you can use professional search and upgrade tools such as 3DP Chip , DriverEasy or SlimDrivers .
  • And finally, you must be granted Admin rights to run App Player in BlueStacks.

In addition, if you encounter any related issues, you can review the article, BlueStacks installation error or summary of BlueStacks errors to know how to resolve.

If you already have the installation and are already using it, let's get started.

How to take photos from BlueStacks to your computer

Step 1: Open the BlueStacks emulation software, then touch the camera icon - Camera.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

- Take photos as usual.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 2: Exit from Camera, go to CH Play and enter the keyword file explorer into the search bar and Enter, when the results appear, click on the corresponding item below.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 3: Click Install to install this tool.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

There will be a small message box appears, asking for confirmation of installation, you click on Accept and then wait a bit for the process of installing ES File Explorer to complete. Then click on Open to launch this tool.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 4: The main interface of ES File Explorer appears, click on the folder named DCIM on the screen.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Continue to click on Camera .

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 5: Here, all photos taken by you through the camera on BlueStacks are available. Want to copy any image to your computer, just click on the image, the Select window appears, select Next to View Picture.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 6: This is a step to help us check that the right picture we need or not? If you are sure, click the three dots icon in the top right corner of the BlueStacks interface to bring up an options window. There are quite a few different options available:

  • Delete: Delete.
  • Turn right: Turn the image to the right.
  • Set background: Set as wallpaper.
  • Slide show: Slide show ....

To be able to take photos from BlueStacks, we choose to Share, then select the method of sharing BlueStacks photos through the options panel that appears Can be posted directly to Facebook , sent via free messaging apps like Viber , Zalo , or saved in Picasa .

Select the Send to Windows item to send the image to the computer.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 7: Immediately Windows window will appear, you just need to choose the name, location to save the image you want and then click Save to finish.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Instructions to get data and photos available in BlueStacks to your computer

In addition to being able to share photos from BlueStacks with Windows , this Android emulator also allows us to transfer existing data to a computer. In fact, the way to bring data available in BlueStacks to Windows is quite similar to transferring photos from BlueStacks out, how to do the following:

Step 1: You also open up BlueStacks, then navigate to the location of the ES File Explorer management application, launch this application.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 2: When the main interface appears, you look to the left (white Local strip), use the mouse scroll or left click, hold and drag up, down to find sdcard . Click on it, then select the folder containing photos, data to move out.

For example:

In this article, take Viber as a model, we will perform the operation of sharing photos from Viber via BlueStacks.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 3: Click Viber to open the subfolders inside. Select photos from those folders to use.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 4: When the image list is fully opened, find the images you want to use to copy to your computer. Left click on it and hold until a small green square appears, with a v-sign appears, then release your hand.

At this time, a range of options will appear below the foot of the interface, including options such as: Copy, Cut, Delete, Rename ... Depending on what your purpose is, select an appropriate item. . For example, here, will want to copy this image to your computer, so you will choose to Copy.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 5: We go to press sdcard on the left to return to the main screen, select the Windows folder.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Continue to select the item BstSharedFolder.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 6: Inside this folder, we will still see the range of options appear, just click Paste to paste the selected photo here.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

This is the image after successfully pasting the selected image, with a message attached.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

Step 7: To check if the image, is this data synchronized with the computer? You need to return to the Windows computer screen. Find the link to the SharedFolder folder to view.


  • The two BstSharedFolder folders in BlueStacks and SharedFolder on the computer are two default two-way shared folders. That is, everything you share from BlueStacks to your computer or vice versa, transfer data from your computer to the BlueStacks emulator are in these two directories.
  • SharedFolder on the computer is only in the BlueStacks installation drive. You can find the BlueStacks folder in C drive, but the path of BlueStacks / UserData / ShareFolder only exists in the emulated installation drive . So you need to check where you have installed this software.

How to get photos and data from BlueStacks to a computer

So has just shown you how to synchronize data from BlueStacks with your computer . It is undeniable that the role of this emulator when using a computer, therefore, it is very necessary and extremely important to know how to copy data from the BlueStacks emulator to the computer. Hope to be useful to you!

Watch the instruction clip to bring data from BlueStacks to computer

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