Infertility due to gynecological infections but neglect to cure and warnings for women

Gynecological infections are difficult to get pregnant because if this disease is prolonged, it will be more dangerous and cause many unpredictable complications in terms of health, especially the fertility of women.

Is it true that women with gynecological infections are difficult to get pregnant?

Gynecological disease is considered one of the most common diseases among women who have ever had sex. However, not always women can recognize this disease. Sometimes the signs may be ambiguous and easily confused with a common medical condition.

Fertility experts recommend that, if you find yourself experiencing abnormally heavy discharge, discoloration, bad smell, itching of your genitals, frequent abdominal pain or even vaginal bleeding. Be cautious, you most likely have gynecological disease .

Infertility due to gynecological infections but neglect to cure and warnings for women

For women of reproductive age who wish to conceive soon, gynecological infections can become a factor hindering your ability to conceive.

Doctor Giao Thi Kim Van, Specialist I Obstetrics & Gynecology, who has more than 20 years of experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, advises that, when she sees that she has unusual symptoms like the one mentioned above, she women should absolutely not prolong or hesitate to visit. Specialized medical facilities are needed for the doctor's examination and treatment. Because the longer the disease is, the more dangerous it will be, causing many unpredictable complications that harm the health and reproductive functions of women.

How does gynecological inflammation affect a woman's ability to become pregnant?

Most experts believe that inflammatory gynecological disease has a certain effect on a woman's reproductive organs. However, whether leading to infertility or not depends on many factors, especially the severity of the disease.

Basically, when you have a vaginal infection, the pH environment in the vagina becomes "harsher" for male sperm. For example, if before, how easily his sperm could swim into the vagina, they could even die before having a chance to go deep inside to meet an egg.

Infertility due to gynecological infections but neglect to cure and warnings for women

In addition, women with vaginitis often experience a burning pain in their genitals, which makes them become afraid of having sex. Therefore, the fertility of women is also reduced significantly.

Another thing to note is that, in people with serious gynecological disease, the complications can lead to inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, .... Now the risk of infertility of women is also higher compared to ordinary people.

What should women do to get pregnant soon?

The best advice for women who suffer from gynecological inflammation and wish to conceive as soon as possible is to see a professional as soon as possible.

To diagnose and treat appropriate treatment for a woman's disease, usually the doctor will conduct examination by following these steps:

Prehistoric mining

This includes a history of gynecological conditions, vaginal infections or sexually transmitted diseases. Your doctor may also need to know about sexual activity issues and vaginal hygiene habits.

Ask about the symptoms

Talk to your doctor about any discomfort or symptoms you are feeling. These suggestions will help guide the diagnosis.

Pelvic exam

The doctor will place an instrument called a speculum over the vulva to expose and observe the vaginal area. Symptoms such as inflammation, redness, or vaginal discharge will be noted.

Sampling specimens for testing

A sample of the vaginal discharge will be taken to test what is causing the vaginitis. This test helps confirm diagnosis and guide treatment.

Infertility due to gynecological infections but neglect to cure and warnings for women

Combined with treatment according to the doctor's regimen, women need to adjust their living habits such as getting regular rest, increasing the intake of high-fiber foods and paying special attention to taking care of the genitals to get sick. soon complete treatment.

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