Sometimes, while using TeamViewer you want to be in incognito mode so that other TeamViewer users cannot keep track of what they are doing. As a result, you can experience a private and comfortable computing experience. Here, will share how to turn off online mode on TeamViewer with just a few simple steps below. Please follow along with the article below!
First, you need to open TeamViewer and the interface of the program will appear as shown below:

Then access the Extras menu , select Options .

Next, in the Options window , please select Advanced on the bottom left of the interface. Then, select Show advanced options to change the advanced options , then click Ok to continue.

Next, click on the Hide online status for this TeamViewer ID box , and then click OK .

So you've just completed the process of hiding online status on TeamViewer quite easily. After enabling Hide online status for this TeamViewer ID , your TeamViewer will be completely anonymous on the Computer & Contract list .
This will help you avoid the hassle of not participating in virtual meetings or when the server connects and takes control of your computer. In addition, you can restore the online status of TeamViewer easily by following the steps above.
Hopefully this tutorial will help you learn how to turn off online status on TeamViewer .