Tell you about 6 ways to keep the twin eggs in a panic!

Can a woman have twin egg broth? How to spawn at least two "angels" at the same time? Such questions are not uncommon these days. The reason is partly because the quality of life has improved a lot, many families want to have more children while the mother does not want to get pregnant too many times. Here are 6 methods to help couples pregnant with twins, you can refer!

Changing the diet to help the twin egg soup "quickly peas"

If you want a natural twin egg soup, both couple's diets need to be adjusted to increase that capacity.

The wife needs to eat a lot of sweet potatoes

African women have a higher rate of twins than women on other continents because they eat sweet potatoes every day. The substances in sweet potatoes help a woman's ovaries to be stimulated naturally, increasing the number of eggs ovulated more than usual. This will increase their chances of having twins.

Tell you about 6 ways to keep the twin eggs in a panic!

Cassava, pineapple, cereal products and tofu should be fortified by women

Besides, some foods also have the ability to stimulate ovulation such as: cassava, pineapple, cereals, soybeans, whole wheat and tofu. Women can include many of these foods in their meals.

Women should eat a variety of dairy products for twin egg broth

Women who regularly tolerate dairy products have a 5 times higher chance of having twins than other women because of the hormones in the milk that help make twins very high. That may also be the reason why in the West, the rate of mothers with twins is much higher than in Asia, guys!

The husband should eat more zinc-rich foods

In addition to the wife's efforts, husbands should also include zinc-rich foods in their meals. Zinc promotes sperm production, and strong chimpanzees are able to "attack" the eggs at the same time, producing twins later. Foods rich in zinc can be mentioned as: spinach, oysters, shrimp and nuts like pumpkin seeds ..

Herbs help increase the likelihood of twins

Some of the following natural herbs can help increase twins, women can consider taking a supplement.


Often the virgin tree is used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In addition, this herb also has the ability to regulate hormones, reduce androgen levels and promote ovulation function, contributing to increasing the chances of women having twins.

Evening primrose oil helps to keep twins

Evening primrose oil works to increase fertility by helping to promote the production of cervical mucus. More cervical mucus makes it easier for the sperm to go deep and live in the ovaries longer. Women can take evening primrose oil in capsule form on the days of their menstruation and until they ovulate.


Licorice helps control testosterone and estrogen levels, which aids conception. This herb helps women regulate their menstrual cycle and easily track their ovulation.

Tell you about 6 ways to keep the twin eggs in a panic!

Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil naturally increases fertility and increases the chances of normal birth. Besides, it also helps in hormone production and regulates menstruation, ensuring the balance between progesterone and estrogen. These make it easier for women to keep their twins.

Continued pregnancy while breastfeeding increases your chances of having twins

Perhaps this method should only be applied to pregnant mothers with good health and normal birth, because continuous pregnancy will make the health of pregnant mothers significantly affected. If you are breastfeeding and conceive again, there is a chance you will have twins. At this time, the body has high levels of the hormone prolactin, which increases your ability to give birth to twins.

Tell you about 6 ways to keep the twin eggs in a panic!

Relationship posture when soup twins

To increase the accessibility and survival of the sperm to the egg, as well as increase the likelihood of additional ovulation, couples can pay attention to the sexual position to easily conceive twins.

Relationship posture from behind: The wife lifts her buttocks and the husband penetrates from behind. In this position, it is easier for you to have twins because the sperm can easily reach the cervix.

Traditional posture: Men are at the top and women are below. This position helps sperm to easily penetrate inside the cervix and helps pregnant with twins.

Tell you about 6 ways to keep the twin eggs in a panic!

Taking supplements increases your chances of having twins

There are a lot of supplements / supplements on the market that contain substances that can help increase your chances of having twins. You should consult a pharmacist to buy the right medicine you want, as well as to make sure the medicine does not cause side effects for yourself.

Folic acid

According to many studies, women will increase their chances of having twins if they take a lot of folic acid before becoming pregnant. In addition, folic acid also helps prevent neural tube defects of the baby in the abdomen later.


Progesterone supplementation means helping to strengthen the uterine lining. When more eggs are fertilized, they more easily attach to the uterine wall and form healthy zygotes. Twins for you will not be too difficult if your body is supplemented with this hormone.

Gonadotropin helps the twin egg broth effectively

This is a drug that increases your chances of having twins by helping your eggs develop healthy. Gonadotropin can stimulate multiple ovulation at the same time. Your doctor can prescribe you if necessary.

The American Society of Reproductive Medicine estimates that up to 30% of twins or multiple pregnancies occur while using gonadotropin.

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You should only use a small amount, about 5 days per month. This drug helps to decrease the hormone prolactin and increase the production of follicle-stimulating hormone. Therefore, parlodel helps ovulate more and increase your chances of twins.


This is a popular drug that increases your chances of having twins. The pergonal stimulates the hypothalamus to deliver the luteinizing hormone that induces ovulation.

Use Humegon in twin egg broth

Humegon is active menotrophin, which stimulates ovulation and secretes sex steroids. Besides, it is also used in conjunction with fertility treatments.

Clomid (Clomiphene citrate)

Clomid is the most common birth control pill that increases your chance of having twins by 7-8%. This medication can be used before an assisted birth treatment. Besides, it also helps men to treat the imbalance of hormones, affecting the quality and quantity of the sperm.

Research has shown that women who use this drug to treat fertility are more likely to have twins than those who don't.

Fertility support method for twin egg soup

This is the last, most effective, but also the most expensive option if you have a yearning for twins. Go to reputable hospitals for the best advice on how to do it.

Tell you about 6 ways to keep the twin eggs in a panic!

In vitro fertilization (IVF) to achieve a high rate of twin egg broth

Methods In Vitro Fertilization usually from 20-40% chance of twins. However, this also depends on the number of embryos placed in the mother's womb. There is a lot of evidence proving that women undergoing fertility methods have a better chance of getting pregnant with eggs.

Intrauterine sperm pump (IUI)

Sperm pump is done by passing a very small, soft, thin catheter through the cervix to pump the washed sperm into the uterus. However, if this technique is used alone, the chances of having twins will be lower.


Single pregnancy is not easy, twins also double the complexity of the process from conception to pregnancy. The couples, depending on the family economic and reproductive health, should use the method that is suitable for them. Hope that the little love will be welcomed with the love of parents, grandparents and extended family of parties!

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The phenomenon of twins is not known by all pregnant mothers

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