7 misconceptions about pregnancy, many people still believe in the neck

Many people believe that the lubricant will make it easier for the sperm to travel to the cervix. In fact, this is completely wrong because lubricant will damage and even destroy sperm. Here are 7 misconceptions about pregnancy that many women still believe.

7 misconceptions about pregnancy, many people still believe in the neck

Lie with a pillow under your buttocks after sex

Myth: Some people believe that if a woman places a pillow under her buttocks (with her pelvis tilted) after sex, it will help sperm enter the cervix more easily.

Reality: There is no scientific evidence to confirm that this increases the rate of conception. The reason is that each time a man ejaculates, there will be millions of sperms swimming naturally to the female fallopian tube.

Use lubricants

Myth: Many people think that lubricant will make it easier for sperm to travel to the cervix.

Reality: While the lubricant looks a lot like the mucus in a woman's cervix, the effect is quite the opposite. The mucus in a woman's uterus is natural for the sperm to move easily, while the lubricant changes the pH in the uterus, which can damage sperm, and even damage sperm.

7 misconceptions about pregnancy, many people still believe in the neck

Drink green tea

Myth: Many people whisper that green tea contains polyphenol molecules that can help with weight loss, treat stomach disorders , solid tumor cancer, and also help prevent cell damage in muscle. fertility, good for female eggs.

Reality: This is a misconception about fertility but is widely believed. According to experts, green tea contains the antioxidant endometriosis that aids in infertility treatment rather than fertility. In addition, drinking a large amount of green tea every day also reduces the effectiveness of the absorption of folic acid - a very important nutrient to prepare for conception.

7 misconceptions about pregnancy, many people still believe in the neck

Drink cough syrup

Myth: Cough syrup contains a chemical called guaifenesin that helps thin mucus in the lungs. Guaifenesin also helps thin the cervical lining and is believed to make fertilized eggs easier to implant into the uterine wall.

Reality: There is no scientific evidence to suggest that taking cough syrup increases fertility although guaifenesin can be used in the treatment of infertility. So before using to expect to have children, women should consult an expert.

"Saving sperm" will be easy to conceive

Myth: There is a legend that in the past, a man saved his sperm from having sex until the day his wife ovulated to make it easier to get pregnant, and since then many couples believe it is true. . It is thought that if the man ejaculates many times before the time of his wife ovulation, then by then the sperm quality will decrease.

Reality: In fact, according to scientists, regular sex improves sperm quality. So, if you are also having those wrong thoughts, you should eliminate them.

Women must reach orgasm to conceive

Myth: Many people believe that when a woman has orgasm, it will help the uterus contract and create conditions for sperm to easily go deep inside.

Reality: This is a completely unfounded concept. The fact that women have orgasm during sex is good, but not a necessary and necessary factor to conceive.

7 misconceptions about pregnancy, many people still believe in the neck

Must choose the right posture "love" to conceive

Myth: Many people believe that after "falling in love", a woman turns her legs up, the sperm will easily swim deeper, the chance of meeting an egg is higher.

Reality: This concept has no scientific basis. Couples should choose the position that makes it the easiest and most comfortable for the love, thus also increasing the chances of conceiving.

Above are 7 misconceptions about conception that many people still believe, if women are trying to get pregnant, please know the above to not be counterproductive.

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