Powerpoint keyboard shortcuts - You need to know

PowerPoint is a very famous slide presentation application from Microsoft. Currently, Powerpoint is widely used in nearly every field, many subjects such as students, students, teachers, business people, entrepreneurs, speakers... Of course, to use this application is also quite simple but to become a professional and proficient user takes a long time. And your proficient use of Powerpoint shortcuts will help you quickly become a real Powerpoint expert in your field. Let 's explore with WebTech360 the keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Powerpoint.

Summary of Powerpoint shortcuts

1. Common powerpoint shortcuts

The following table lists the most commonly used PowerPoint keyboard shortcuts

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Create a new presentation. Ctrl+N
Add a new slide. Ctrl+MORE
Bold selected text. Ctrl+CLEAR
Change the font size for the selected text. Alt + H, F, WILL
Open the Zoom dialog box  Alt+W, Q
Crop selected text, object, or slide. Ctrl+X
Copy selected text, object, or slide. Ctrl+C
Paste the cut or copied text, object, or slide. Ctrl+DRAW
Undo the last action. Ctrl+Z
Save the presentation. Ctrl+WILL
Insert photos. Alt+N, P
Insert shape. Alt + N, S, HOUR
Choose a topic. Alt+G, HOLY
Choose a slide layout. Alt+H, ERROR
Go to the next slide. Page down
Go to the previous slide. Page up
Go to the Home tab. Alt+HEAR
Go to the Insert tab. Alt+N
Start slideshow. F5
End of slide show. Esc
Close PowerPoint. Ctrl+Q

2. Powerpoint shortcut on the Ribbon

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Move to the  Search box  – Search on the ribbon and enter your search for help Alt+Q, and then enter the search term.
Open the File menu. Alt+F
Open the Home tab  and format slides, fonts, paragraphs, or drawings. Alt+HEAR
Open  the Insert tab , and then insert a slide, table, picture, illustration, form, link, text, icon, or media. Alt+N
Open the Design tab   and apply a theme and customize the slide. Alt+G
Open  the Transition tab and add transitions between slides. Alt+K
Open  the Animations tab and add an animation to the slide. Alt+A
Open  the Slide Show tab  and set up and play the slideshow. Alt+S
Open the Review tab , then check spelling and accessibility, and add a caption. Alt+R
Open  View tab and preview presentation layout, Show and hide gridlines and guides, set zoom, manage Windows, and view macros. Alt+W
Open the Help tab  to contact support and leave feedback. Alt+Y

3. Working in the Ribbon with the Keyboard

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Select the active tab on the ribbon, and then activate the access keys. Alt or F10. To move to another tab, use the access keys or the arrow keys.
Move the focus to the commands on the ribbon. Tab key or Shift+Tab
Move down, up, left or right respectively in the items on the ribbon. Arrow key
Activate a selected button or control. Spacebar or Enter
Opens the list for a selected command. Down arrow key
Opens the menu for a selected button. Alt+Down arrow key
When opening a menu or submenu, move to the next command. Down arrow key
Expand or collapse the Ribbon. Ctrl+F1
Open the context menu. Shift+F10Or on a Windows keyboard, the context key (between the right Alt and Ctrl keys)
Move to a submenu when opening or selecting a main menu. Left arrow key
Get help with the currently selected command or control on the ribbon. F1

4. Move between panes in the Ribbon

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Clockwise through the panes in Normal view. F6
Circle counterclockwise through panes in Normal view. Shift+F6
Toggle between the  Thumbnail and  Outline View panes . Ctrl+Shift+Tab

5. Working in the Outline View khung

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Level up a selected piece of text Alt+Shift+Left Arrow Key
Downgrade a selected piece of text Alt+Shift+Right Arrow Key
Move the selected text upwards. Alt+Shift+Up arrow key
Move the selected text down. Alt+Shift+Down Arrow Key
Displays level 1 headings. Alt+Shift+1
Expand the text below a heading. Alt+Shift+Plus Sign (+)
Collapse text below a heading. Alt + Shift + minus sign (-)

6. Select text and objects

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Select a character to the right. Shift + right arrow key
Select a character to the left. Shift + left arrow key
Select to the end of a word. Ctrl + Shift + right arrow key
Select to the beginning of a word. Ctrl + Shift + left arrow key
Select up a line (with the cursor at the beginning of a line). Shift + up arrow key
Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line). Shift+Down Arrow Key
Select an object (when text inside the object is selected). Esc . key
Select another object (when an object is selected). Press the Tab key or Shift + Tab until the object you want is selected
Send the object back one position. Ctrl + left square bracket ([)Office 2010 and Office 2007: not available
Send the object forward one position. Ctrl + right square bracket (])Office 2010 and Office 2007: not available
Move the object backwards. Ctrl + Shift + left square bracket ([)Office 2010 and Office 2007: not available
Move the object forward. Ctrl + Shift + right bracket (])Office 2010 and Office 2007: not available
Select text within an object (with an object selected). Import
Select all objects. CTRL+A (on the Slides tab  )
Play or pause the media. Ctrl+Spacebar
Select all slides. Ctrl + A (in  Slide Sorter view  )
Select all text. CTRL+A (on the Outline tab  )

7. Delete and duplicate text and objects

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Delete one character to the left. Backspace key (Backspace)
Delete a word to the left. Ctrl+Backspace
Delete one character to the right. Delete
Delete a word to the right (with the cursor between words). Ctrl+Delete
Crop selected object or text. Ctrl+X
Copy selected object or text. Ctrl+C
Paste the cut or copied object or text. Ctrl+DRAW
Iterate over an object. Ctrl+D Ctrl + mouse drag Office 2010 and Office 2007: not supported
Undo the last action. Ctrl+Z
Redo the last action. Ctrl+Y
Just copy the format. Ctrl+Shift+C key
Paste format only. Ctrl+Shift+DRAW key
Copy animator. Alt+Shift+C Office 2010 and Office 2007: not supported
Paste cartoon image. Alt+Shift+V Office 2010 and Office 2007: not supported
Opens the Paste Special dialog box   . Ctrl+Alt+DRAW

8. Move in the text

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Move one character to the left. Left arrow key
Move one character to the right. Right arrow key
Move up one row. Up arrow key
Move down one row. Down arrow key
Move one word to the left. Ctrl+Left Arrow Key
Move one word to the right. Ctrl+Right Arrow Key
Move to the end of the line. End
Move to the beginning of the line. Home Key (Top)
Move up one paragraph. Ctrl+Up Arrow Key
Scroll down one paragraph. Ctrl+Down Arrow Key
Move to the end of the text box. Ctrl+End
Move to the top of the text box. Ctrl+Home
Move to the next title or body text placeholder. If it is the last placeholder on the slide, this will insert a new slide with the same layout as the original slide layout. Ctrl+Enter

9. Find and replace text

To make this happen Press
Mở hộp thoại Find. Ctrl+F
Mở hộp thoại Replace. Ctrl+H
Lặp lại hành động Tìm kiếm sau cùng. Shift+F4

10. Di chuyển và làm việc trong bảng

Thao tác cần thực hiện Phím tắt
Di chuyển đến ô kế tiếp. Phím Tab
Di chuyển đến ô trước đó. Shift+Tab
Di chuyển đến hàng kế tiếp. Phím mũi tên xuống
Di chuyển đến hàng trước đó. Phím mũi tên lên
Chèn tab vào một ô. Ctrl+Tab
Bắt đầu một đoạn văn mới. Enter
Thêm một hàng mới ở cuối bảng (với con trỏ ở ô cuối cùng của hàng cuối cùng). Phím Tab

Phím tắt Powerpoint trong định dạng văn bản

Trước khi sử dụng các lối tắt bàn phím này, bạn hãy chọn văn bản bạn muốn định dạng.

1. Thay đổi hoặc đổi cỡ phông chữ

Thao tác cần thực hiện Phím tắt
Mở hộp thoại Font để thay đổi phông chữ. Ctrl+Shift+F
Tăng cỡ phông. Ctrl + Shift + dấu ngoặc vuông góc phải (>)
Giảm cỡ phông. Ctrl + Shift + left-angle bracket (<>

2. Apply character formatting

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Opens the Font dialog box  to change the character format. Ctrl+T
Switch between sentence cases, lowercase or uppercase. Shift+F3
Apply bold formatting. Ctrl+CLEAR
Apply underline formatting. Ctrl+U
Apply italic formatting. Ctrl+I
Apply subscript format (automatically spaced). Ctrl+Equal Sign(=)
Apply superscript formatting (automatically spaced). Ctrl+Shift+Plus Sign (+)
Remove manual character formats such as subscript and superscript. Ctrl+Spacebar
Insert hyperlink Ctrl+K

3. Copy text formatting

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Copy the formatting of the selected text. Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste the copied format into the selected text. Ctrl+Shift+DRAW

4. Text Alignment

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Center the paragraph. Ctrl+E
Align the paragraph. Ctrl+J
Left align paragraph. Ctrl+L
Right align the paragraph. Ctrl+R

5. Work with Shapes, Images, Boxes, Objects, and WordArt

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Insert text box. Alt + N, X
Insert an embedded document or spreadsheet as an object. Alt + N, J
Insert WordArt. Alt + N, W
Move focus to the first relief, such as an image or text box. Ctrl+Alt+5
Group selected shapes, pictures, or WordArt objects. Ctrl+G
Ungroup Ctrl+Shift+GOO
Copy the properties of the selected shape. Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste the properties into the selected object. Ctrl+Shift+DRAW
Edit a linked or embedded object. Shift + F10 (to open the context menu), then O, Enter, E

Insert and reply to comments

Before using these keyboard shortcuts, use the insert comments command (Alt + N, L) to open  the comments pane .

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Insert a new comment. Ctrl+N
Reply to a selected comment. Ctrl+R

Change the order of Slides or sections in Slide

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Move the selected slide or section in order. Ctrl+Up Arrow Key
Move the selected slide or section down in order. Ctrl+Down Arrow Key
Move the selected slide or section to the top. Ctrl + Shift + up arrow key
Move the selected slide or section to the end. Ctrl + Shift + down arrow key

Using the Selection pane

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Open the  Select pane  . Alt + H, S, L, P In Office 2007, Alt + J, D, A, P
Circle the focus through the different panes. F6
Display the context menu. Shift+F10
Move the focus to a single item or group. Up or down arrow key
Move focus from an item in a group to the parent group. Left arrow key
Moves focus from a group to the first item in that group. Right arrow key
Expand a focus group and all its subgroups. Asterisk (*) (numeric keypad only)
Expand a focus group. Plus sign (+) (numpad only)
Collapse a focus group. Minus sign (-) (numeric keypad only)
Move the focus to an item and select it. Shift+Up or Down Arrow key
Select a focused item. Spacebar or Enter
Deselect a focused item. Shift + spacebar or Shift + Enter
Moves a selected item forward. Ctrl+Shift+F
Move a selected item to the back. Ctrl+Shift+REMOVE
Show or hide the item in focus. Ctrl+Shift+WILL
Rename a focus item. F2
Switch keyboard focus within pane Choose between tree view and  Show all and  Hide all buttons Tab key or Shift+Tab
Collapse all groups (with the focus being in the tree view of the selection pane). Alt+Shift+1
Expand all groups. Alt+Shift+9

Access and use the task pane – Task

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Move to the task pane from another pane in the program window. (You may need to press F6 several times). F6
When the task pane option has focus, move to the next or previous option in the task pane. Tab or Shift+Tab
Show the entire set of commands on the task pane menu. You can, for example,  closemove , or  size  the task pane from this menu. Ctrl+Spacebar
In Office 2010 Ctrl+Down Arrow Key
Move to the next command on the task pane menu. Up and down arrow keys
Select the highlighted option on the task pane menu. Enter key
Move or resize the task pane after the corresponding command has been selected. Arrow key
Open Clipboard. Alt + H, F, O
Close the task pane. Ctrl + spacebar,

Other Useful Shortcuts

Actions to be taken Shortcut keys
Opens the print dialog. Ctrl+P
Print all the slides in your presentation as full slides using your default printer settings (with the print dialog open). Alt + P, P
Show the  notes pane – Comments  in Normal view . Alt + W, P, FEMALE
Show or hide the grid. Shift+F9
Show or hide guides. Alt+F9

Above are all the  PowerPoint shortcuts  that you should know, these shortcuts will be frequently used during your work with Powerpoint. Hopefully it will add quite a bit to your knowledge base. Good luck

Explore more:

>> Summary of commonly used Excel keyboard shortcuts

>> Summary of commonly used keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word

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