Notepad is not only the most popular programming language editing toolkit today, but this lightweight editor is also a way to help computer users create files and exe files in a simple and simple way. fast.
The .exe file is not a common and frequently used type of data for us, but in some special cases, users are required to save data as this exe file (especially programmers). , technology). Therefore, how to use Notepad to create * .exe file is one of the things we should know to be able to use later.
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Instructions to use Notepad to create .exe files
Step 1 : At the desktop screen of the computer, click on the search bar next to the Start button and enter the keyword " Notepad " into it.
The article is a writer using Windows 10 operating system , with other operating systems, you simply need to launch the Notepad editor.

Step 2: The interface of Notepad appears, here, you enter data (code, code) or you can copy from elsewhere into this. To save as an exe file, left-click File / Save As ...

Step 3: Windows window appears, you can customize the location to save and name your files here.

Left-click Save as type , then select All files , and you name your file any name but must have the suffix " .exe ".
For example:
- abc.exe
- Downloadcomvn.exe
- July.exe

Step 4: After naming is completed, you access the location you have chosen, you will see that file appears. Want to check, just right-click on the file, select Properties .

A new dialog box appears, you can view the details of the file in this.

The use Notepad to save the data into a format exe although not difficult, but it is one of the tips to use Notepad neglected the most. Hopefully, with this quick guide, you will have more experience using this tool.
Video tutorial to create * .exe file with Notepad