What pregnant women need to eat to get enough nutrition in the first 3 months?

Nutrition for pregnant women in the first 3 months plays a very important role. It directly affects the overall development of the fetus throughout pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant mothers need to provide enough nutrition for their babies during this period to best support their baby's growth.

The first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important stage of pregnancy. The baby in the womb at this time of formation is still very weak. By week 6 , your baby will be pea-sized and a small heart will begin its first beats. By the end of the 3 rd month, the baby's organs will begin to develop.

What pregnant women need to eat to get enough nutrition in the first 3 months?

During the first 3 months, your body will often feel tired. Just want to sleep, always feel hungry and have a craving for foods that have never been eaten before. Occasionally you will experience nausea, dizziness, dizziness, allergies to certain odors and a constant urge to urinate. These are normal manifestations during a 3-month pregnancy. This is because your body must produce more blood. All organs must adapt to the appearance of a new being.

The most important thing pregnant mothers need to know during the first 3 months of pregnancy is to pay attention to the diet to be able to provide all necessary nutrients for the fetus.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the first 3 months

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to provide enough from 200-300 calories per day. And just adding 1 - 2.5 kg is good for the health of both mother and baby. The fetus is still too small at this time, so the pregnant mother does not need to gain much weight. Mother always wonders what to eat during the first 3 months of pregnancy, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to supplement the following substances:

Folic acid

Essential nutrients for the development of the baby's brain and spine. You need to include about 400mg of folic acid in your daily diet. It is best to take folic acid from the moment you plan to become pregnant.

Foods rich in folic acid:  Foods such as liver, poultry, cereals, green vegetables (the darker green the better, such as spinach, turnips, broccoli ...), lima beans, peas, soybeans, carrots, tomatoes, bananas, oranges, lemons, grapefruit ... are very rich foods folic acid that pregnant women should supplement daily.


Indispensable substance to support the bone development of pregnant mothers and the baby in the womb. A sufficient supply of calcium will help you avoid osteoporosis after giving birth.

Calcium-rich foods:  Calcium is abundant in seafood such as crab, shrimp, fresh milk such as cow's milk, milk powder or from plant sources such as sesame, carrots ...

What pregnant women need to eat to get enough nutrition in the first 3 months?


Nutrition for pregnant women in the first 3 months


Iron supplements are the best way to prevent anemia during pregnancy. Iron also contributes to reducing the symptoms of dizziness and fatigue common in pregnancy.

Iron-rich foods:  Iron is very important for the body. Therefore, pregnant women should add iron-rich foods such as beef, kale, spinach, amaranth, whole grain bread and cereals ...

Protein (protein)

Providing about 20g of protein per day will ensure your baby's perfect brain cell development. It also helps your mammary glands and uterine tissue grow well during pregnancy.

T food supplement rich in protein:  Protein is found in: Meat, poultry, fish, grains, eggs, nuts, beans them home, the dairy products, soy, wheat, barley ...

Vitamin D

Since being an embryo, the baby needs to develop the skeletal system. Therefore, pregnant mothers need to increase vitamin D from food or sunlight. Sun heat for about 15 minutes a day will help the body absorb calcium optimally. Note that choosing sunlight in the early morning, letting direct sunlight shine on the body is best.

Vitamin C

Effective antioxidant, help pregnant mothers strengthen the immune system and resistance. Simultaneously supports the development of muscles and blood vessels for the fetus.

These vitamins are often found in green vegetables and fruits you should not ignore are spinach, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage, citrus, grapefruit, apples, grapes ...

What pregnant women need to eat to get enough nutrition in the first 3 months?


Nutrition for pregnant women 3 months

Notes for pregnant women 3 months pregnant

The first 3 months are the most dangerous time for pregnancy. Pregnant mothers need to pay attention to the following things.

- To avoid serious effects such as defects, birth defects. Even stillbirth, miscarriage ... pregnant women avoid eating:

+ Re-living, poisoned.

+ Unpasteurized food.

+ Pre-packaged food with alcohol, beer and other stimulants ...

+ Do not eat foods such as lettuce, spinach, greens, pineapple, longan, green papaya, potato sprouts ... easy to cause miscarriage.

During the first 3 months is also the time of morning sickness, pregnant mothers suffer the most abuse, so mothers need:

- Split meals, eat many meals a day.

- Do not drink while eating, drink while waiting between meals.

- You should eat foods that can help reduce morning sickness: cinnamon, basil, coriander seeds, mint, lemon, ginger ...

Above are things to know about nutrition for pregnant women in the first 3 months. Pregnant mothers remember to regularly follow up and visit periodically according to the doctor's appointment. To promptly detect if any abnormalities are present and promptly intervene and support the comprehensive development of the baby.

see more

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