The LAN plays the role of sharing information and data within a company, ensuring information security without letting another party know, as well as faster and more convenient internal distribution instead of through a network. 3rd party. However, sometimes the operating system fails to connect to the LAN and you will spend time fixing them. WebTech360 would like to introduce you the solution to help solve the problem related to the Windows 10 operating system not connecting to the LAN . Please refer to the following article to handle if this is the case!
Switch Network profile from Private to Public
Step 1: Click the Start button => Settings .

- Next you choose Network & Internet

- Next in the Status tab => Click Properties as shown below.

Step 2: Here you can see that the computer is in the Public state , this is the reason why your computer does not appear in the LAN (Network).
- The simple way to handle it is to check the Private section again to choose private mode.

Step 3: Note that if you choose to return to the public network ( Public ) instead of private ( Private) , you must re-enable network sharing.
Step 4: And here is the final result. Your computer is already on the network.

Check if the computers have the same network class
To fix it, you should know the causes, checking whether computers have the same network class is an important thing that cannot be ignored.
Please take a look at the IP address of the computer you are using as well as the computer you need to find on the LAN. To do this, press the Windows key with the R key , then type Cmd and then press Enter .

A dialog box will appear as shown below, type ipconfig , press Enter , your computer's IP will appear.

You should focus your attention on the IPv4 Address line as shown below. If the IPs are the same, there is no problem. If the IP between your computer and the network does not match, you should attach them to the same wifi modem or to the same switch.
Check installed file and printer sharing for microsoft network
To see if you have installed the file and printer sharing for microsoft network, click Start , select Control Panel ,

- Select View Network Status and tasks

Then click on Ethernet

The Wireless Network Connection dialog box will appear, click Install to set the settings for the following items:
- Client for microsoft Networks
- File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks
- Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)

Handling Windows 10 unable to connect to LAN by enabling Network Discovery feature
Network Discovery in Windows operating system is a network setting, used by which you can set whether other computers on the network can see the computer or not to find other computers and devices on the network. If Network Discovery is enabled, sharing files and printers over the network becomes easier.
Step 1: You follow these steps: select Start , Control Panel .

- Select View Network status and tasks in the Network and Internet section

- At Network and Sharing Center, select Change advanced sharing settings

Step 2: Here, the user selects Private - click Turn on network discovery and Turn on file and printer sharing . Then, the user clicks Save changes to save.

Step 3: After the setup is complete, open the Network section to check. If you see a complete list of computers, it is successful.
Turn off the firewall
The next way that you can refer to when Windows 10 cannot connect to the LAN is to turn off the firewall. Firewall is a very important component in Windows 10, it affects everything and to control it at least we must know how to turn on and off the firewall on Windows 10.
Step 1: Open the Start menu , enter the keyword " Firewall " to open Windows Firewall .

Step 2: On the Windows Firewall window , select Turn Windows Firewall on or off in the left pane to turn on and off the firewall on Windows 10.

Step 3: If you want to turn on Firewall on Windows 10, select Turn on Windows Firewall in both Private network settings and Public network settings .
If you want to start the Firewall on Windows 10, select Turn off Windows Firewall in both items as above.
After making the selection, click OK to save the changes.

Step 4: To know if you have turned off the Firewall on Windows 10 or not, you will see an icon corresponding to the on and off mode of the firewall.

If the above operations are not successful as you expect, do the following:
On Windows 10 you can use Command Prompt or Powershell to turn off or on the Firewall on Windows 10.
Step 1: To be able to turn on / off Firewall on Windows 10 with CMD , you will press Ctrl + R and then type CMD . One note here is that you have to press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open cmd with Administrator privileges .
You can do the same with Powershell by typing the powershell command and pressing Ctrl + Shift + Enter to open CMD with Administrator rights .
Step 2: If you open properly as Administrator, you will see Command Prompt appear with the path C:\Windows\system32 .
Step 3: To be able to turn off the Firewall on Windows 10, we type the command: netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off -> If it appears OK , turning off your firewall has been completed.
Proceed to check the Firewall again , you will see that the entire Firewall is turned off with a red icon.
Restart Workstation
Finally, you can restart the workstation in case Windows 10 fails to connect to the LAN. To restart Workstation , press the Window key together with the R key . Next type the command Services.msc then press Enter .
Continue to click Workstation , select Restart to restart the service. Then restart your computer and restart the computer to find in the LAN. This operation is both simple and easy to perform and can guarantee 100% success.

If you have problems with Internet connection errors on Windows 10. For example, your computer or laptop does not receive the wired network, cannot connect to the network or can connect but cannot connect to the network, the network is slow, flickering, or intermittent. gold coal. Then you can also use these actions to fix them depending on the condition of your computer.
The above are ways to handle when the computer you have Windows 10 cannot connect to the LAN is simple and easy to do. If you have any problems related to the LAN or the above methods still do not work, please contact WebTech360 for answers. Good luck.