Behind the sad story of Michelle Obama when she had an early miscarriage

Having an early miscarriage is probably a pretty serious psychological shock for many women today. It is thought that there are many causes of this phenomenon.

In Michelle Obama's new book "Becoming" it is revealed that she has had a miscarriage. And the two daughters are now born through in vitro fertilization.

In an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, the former first lady described her feelings of losing a baby and loneliness after she had a miscarriage.

Early miscarriage - a common phenomenon among first-time pregnant women

At the time, Michelle Obama was unaware that miscarriages were quite common. In fact, about 20% of people experience miscarriages in the early stages of pregnancy. Her revelation mentioned an ironic truth.

Over the past two centuries, we have seen an increase in fertility awareness. However, the wealth of knowledge sometimes obscures what seems understandable.

Many pregnancies still do not have the expected results.

Behind the sad story of Michelle Obama when she had an early miscarriage


Early miscarriage is not uncommon in women

Contemporary Americans can be judged quite cleverly. They take sex education classes, biology courses at school. Also, read the guidebook on pregnancy, conception and embryo.

But they have too little experience. Nowadays, we have more knowledge about prenatal fetal development and care than in the past. But we lack practical knowledge.

Michelle Obama is one of the millions who have struggled with infertility. And her silence was probably the cause of the problem.

Changes in women's perception of pregnancy

In American colonies, women got married and gave birth on average every 2-3 years. Besides, colonial women did not know how to control their pregnancy. Childbirth is understood to be due to the hand of God.

Women are revered for their births. Most families have to witness the deaths of their babies. Many women experience at least one birth. And early miscarriages are common.

During the revolutionary war, women began to have more control over fertility. The Americans began to break away from Britain and establish a new democracy.

Since then, has created inspiration for colonial women. They are encouraged to make family birth planning. Couples limit the birth of a child with rudimentary forms of birth control.

By the turn of the 20th century, every American woman had an average of three to four children.

Scientific knowledge and applications in the reproductive process

Female birth control is showing signs of an increase

Birth control is on the rise in the 20th century. Margaret Sanger was a leader in the movement of birth control and contraceptive use that began in 1916.

Until the 60s, birth control pills help women prevent pregnancy more effectively. At the same time, medical advances have contributed to a reduction in infant mortality. Besides, the birth becomes much safer for mothers and babies.

Sex educators and obstetricians have promoted public education about embryonic development and healthy pregnancy care.

Behind the sad story of Michelle Obama when she had an early miscarriage


Women have more knowledge about pregnancy

Applying science in the reproductive process has brought about great results. Women and babies become healthier. They have precise control over the number of embryos and the length of their pregnancy.

But we also need to lower our expectations to accept the inevitable biological limitations. Realize that your condition is a natural part of having a baby.

Knowledge about miscarriage should be kept up to date

The issue of early miscarriage needs to be mentioned in sex education documents, websites, biology through accurate information. Patterns of embryonic development have shown a step up in perception of the process from eggs to making babies.

Such as: plaster model of fetus of the Maternity Association on display at the World Fair 1939, famous Life magazine in 1969 by Lennart Nilsson,….

Instead, manuals and websites should provide more information about embryonic developmental steps. Among them, frequency of pregnancy that did not result in childbirth was mentioned.

Business opportunities come from pregnant women

Many advertising agencies from children's toys to cars and life insurance have tried to reach pregnant women starting in the 1960s.

That's when they realize the huge demand for buying from these people. In recent years, many manufacturers have targeted women in their first months of pregnancy.

Consider, for example, home pregnancy tests that appeared on the US market in 1978. They can detect pregnancy almost exactly at the time of implantation of a fertilized egg into a woman's uterus.

Test manufacturers promise results as early as five days before the expected menstrual period. Early pregnancy is up to 30% more likely to miscarriage .

Guidelines for home pregnancy tests should include this information so that women understand what a positive result means.

Useful advice for mothers

According to Michelle Obama, women need to share their stories of miscarriage. Many people only begin to find out about a miscarriage by a friend or relative only when they are also experiencing it.

In fact, about a third of women with two or more children also experience miscarriages. "I am one of them, as are many of my friends." When we are pregnant, we can be optimistic and always hope for the best. However, there is no certainty in the first few months.

Behind the sad story of Michelle Obama when she had an early miscarriage


Giving birth is a woman's divine and noble mission

Childbirth is the beginning of a long parenting journey in the background. You can start the journey better by balancing optimism and being realistic and accepting what we cannot control.

Having an early miscarriage is not desirable. If unfortunately it happens to you, try to share and confide in everyone.

It will make you feel more comfortable. Maybe luck will smile at you in the next pregnancy. 

See more:

Link between age and miscarriage in women

Common causes of miscarriage

From threatening miscarriage to miscarriage - Instructing moms on how to handle them promptly to keep your baby!





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