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How to change IP using VPNBook service
How to change IP using VPNBook service
Video How to change IP using VPNBook service
Recently a lot of computer users are annoyed with the Internet because of the "crawling speed". Not only makes the job less efficient, reduces productivity but also causes many difficulties in work and daily life. There is an effective solution to help us overcome this in a simple way, which is VPNBook.
As is known, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is the technology to build virtual private networks to meet the needs of users. Today, by installing and using VPNBook, we will better understand this service.
How to configure for VPNBook
Step 1: To configure VPNBook with OpenVPN, first need to download OpenVPN.
You choose in the table below a link appropriate for your device and then left click on it to download to your computer.
Step 2: Choose a location to save and name the file and Save again.
Step 3: Install OpenVPN on the computer. Navigate to the location of the downloaded file on your computer and then double-click the file.
Click on Next to get started.
Step 4: Continue to select I Agree.
The installation of OpenVPN is completely free of any additional software or options, so you can safely click Next until it's over.
However, if you want to change the location of the file installation, in this step, select Browse / find a new location and then Install .
Select the location to install OpenVPN on the computer
Step 5: During the installation process, another window will appear asking you to confirm whether you want to install the new configuration or not? You choose Install to agree, Don't Install to skip also means that the installation operation is terminated.
Step 6: Wait a few minutes (depending on your Internet speed) for the process to finish, then click Next .
Finally, tick the Start OpenVPN GUI and Finish to close the installation window.
Once the installation is completed, you will see a screen icon and a gray lock.
Step 7 : Go to the homepage of VPNBook , select OpenVPN and download any OpenVPN Certificate Bundle Server in the links shown below.
Each of these packages has a different Username and password to create a connection, so when choosing which package, you need to remember the information to perform the final step.
Remember the Usernam and Password of the downloaded package
Step 8: Save this file to your computer. It is best to save it in the same location as the original OpenVPN file for your convenience.
Step 9: Use the 7-Zip or WinRAR decompression tool to extract this VPN file.
Step 10: Move all the extracted files to the location where the original OpenVPN was installed.
Step 11:
If you do not change the location, keep the default, put the files in "C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ config" .
In this article, the writer places the file in another location ( drive E: \ ) but that does not affect our results, as long as they are in the same directory.
Step 12: Exit, click on the icon of OpenVPN GUI, hover to select a connection package you want, then click Connect .
For example, choose vpnbook-us2-tcp80
Step 13: A small window appears asking for connection information (which is Usernam and Password above). You enter and then click OK .
In just a few seconds, our connection has been made.
So we have successfully changed the IP address through the VPNBook service, look at the message, Assigned IP is your new current IP. If you do not want to use anymore, you follow step 12 and select Disconnect to disconnect is finished.
Not only has the advantage of being completely free, no need to register for an account, unlimited capacity, VPNBook also has many server locations in many countries around the world such as England, USA, Germany, Canada .. Therefore, if your network is slow, you want to access some banned websites in Vietnam or simply want to hide your location ... VPNBook is the perfect choice for you.